11 Medicinal Plants For Stomach Pain

To relieve stomach pain we can use herbal teas or add these to our recipes. The infusion can be taken before or after eating.

Phytotherapy helps us treat various types of mild ailments naturally such as stomach pain. However, there are other types of natural aids such as herbs known for their beneficial properties for health.

Next we will show you 11 medicinal plants that can help us fight that stomach pain that sometimes is so tedious. If this feeling sounds like something to you, keep reading and find out!

It should be remembered that, in any case, if the problem persists, it is always advisable to see a specialist.

Stomach pain: how to treat it with natural herbs

The medicinal herbs that we can use to treat stomach pain not only have properties to reduce acidity, improve digestion or calm the nerves but also reduce ulcers and colic. In any case, it is recommended not to consume them too hot and always accompanied with lemon juice to increase their effects.

Next we will describe what are the necessary ingredients and how to make infusions with these herbs. The procedure is the same for all.


  • 250 mml of water.
  • 1 or 2 leaves of the plant that we want to choose.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey or sugar to taste.


  • We heat the water until it boils.
  • We leave the herb inside for about 10 minutes.
  • We strain the water and let it cool.

It is recommended to combine the use of these plants with a healthy diet and daily exercise. In this way, the results will be noticeable in less time. Now we just have to choose a plant and that’s it!

1. Chamomile

The scientific name is Matricaria Chamomilla and it is well known for its white and yellow flowers. Chamomile protects and repairs the gastric membrane and promotes digestion. It is also recommended against gases in the digestive system. In the case of treatment of disorders related to diseases (such as gastritis or diverticulosis), prior evaluation by a specialist is always advised.


The infusion is made with the dried flowers and you can drink up to three cups a day.

2. Mint


Its leaves are not only good to freshen the breath but also relieve many digestive problems. Reduces nausea and treats stomach inflammations. In turn, peppermint activates the salivary glands in the mouth, signaling the stomach to create gastric juices.


Mint tea can be drunk hot or cold, with strawberry or dried leaves and always sweetened with honey or even a few drops of lemon juice.

3. Marjoram

The Origanum Majorana used for hundreds of years for its digestive properties. For this reason it has been cultivated since ancient times in private homes.


The infusion of this plant can be combined with some very good spices for digestion, such as cumin or cardamom.

4. Sage


The name of this plant derives from the Latin ” salvare ” which means “salvation”. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why it is such a medicinal herb with so many properties. Sage is perfect for improving digestive functions and reducing stomach pain.


You can drink the tea made with the leaves of the plant at any time of the day.

5. Ulmaria

It acts as a natural antacid, prevents the appearance of stomach ulcers and helps in digestion.


It is advisable to drink meadowsweet tea up to three times a day (better after meals) and combined with cardamom for people with indigestion.

6. Angelica

This medicinal plant can be very useful to treat digestive problems. The so-called “Herb of Angels” is native to Europe and since ancient times its dried and ground roots have been used to make infusions that relieve stomach pain. Angelica is a recommended stomach tonic to improve digestion. It is also analgesic, antispasmodic and antimicrobial.


It is usually consumed in tea as an aperitif during meals.

7. Thyme

The antiparasitic properties of thyme

Not only is it an herb that adds flavor and aroma to our favorite dishes, but it is also a very interesting medicinal plant for stomach pain. Thyme prevents gastric spasms, promotes digestion and prevents gas formation.


The infusion is made with the dried or fresh leaves and it is advisable to drink it after meals and up to three cups a day.

8. Oregano

Oregano has many medicinal properties for the digestive system and intestinal activity. It is an excellent snack (increases appetite), eliminates gas formation, reduces inflammation and colic.


In addition to adding it to your dishes, we recommend that you consume it as an infusion using the dried leaves of the plant.

9. Melisa

If you have colic or cramps, we advise you to consume Melissa Officinalis , a powerful antispasmodic capable of reducing stomach pain and inflammation in a matter of minutes. Furthermore, lemon balm is good for treating indigestion, vomiting and flatulence.


You can drink up to 4 cups of the infusion of this plant a day.

10. Basil


One of the most used aromatic herbs in Mediterranean gastronomy, as it has many properties that are worth taking advantage of. It can be used both raw and cooked, although in the first case we will enjoy the benefits of its main substance: saponin. This compound is a powerful snack, allows better assimilation of nutrients from food and reduces stomach upset.

Basil tea is also very suitable for:

  • Deflate the digestive system
  • Expel gases
  • Reduce stomach cramps
  • Avoid colic


Drink up to 2 cups a day of an infusion made with the leaves of the plant.

11. Boldo

It is one of the “par excellence” plants in terms of digestive problems. The aroma of boldo has an invigorating effect on the stomach. In addition, these effects are due to cineol, a substance with protective effects for this organ and the liver.


You can drink boldo tea up to three times a day but preferably after main meals.

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