5 Anti-inflammatory Foods For The Skin

Citrus fruits, especially lemon, help balance the pH of the skin thanks to their properties.

Perhaps we suffer from pimples, reddened skin, enlarged pores or excess oil. Perhaps it could be due not only to the fact that you need more cleaning, and you should incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into your diet.

Pay attention to the needs of your skin, everything that happens inside us is reflected to the outside. 

Do you want to have a healthier skin?

Skin care is not only related to aesthetics, but also to health.

It is one of the most sensitive organs in the body.

And it is not enough to wash and cream it, it is also necessary to feed it correctly.

What is skin inflammation and how does it occur?

deflate hands anti-inflammatory foods

It is called chronic inflammation and is caused by a variety of factors, such as stress or the lack of a deep cleaning routine.

In addition, in a large percentage, dermis problems are related to food.

Modern life leads us to consume more and more fats and sugars, caffeine and additives that do us no good at all. It is recommended to opt for anti-inflammatory foods.

This is so because junk food or fast food does not have Omega 3 essential fatty acids, for example, which serve to reduce inflammation.

Sedentary life, spending all day sitting in front of a computer or watching television, problems and environmental pollution are a very dangerous mix.

If we add to that the cigarette, the situation worsens.

Foods to cross off your shopping list


It is good to know what are, in the first place, the foods that inflame and age all the organs of the body, including the skin.

Sugar tops the list for its “ability” to swell tissues.

Then we have vegetable oils, such as corn or soy, which have a lot of Omega 6 but little Omega 3.

Third, there are trans fats, that is, hydrogenated oils, margarines, fried foods, and fast foods.

The next one that occupies the fourth place in the ranking of foods that inflame is dairy.

In fifth place, the “fattening” meats (which have antibiotics, hormones and few Omega 3s).

And all these would be followed by processed meats, such as sausages; alcohol, refined grains, such as pasta, rice, or bread.

Finally, additives and artificial sweeteners.

How can we reduce inflammation of the skin?


Mother nature is always available to us and to cure all our ills, those caused by poor diet or artificial food.

No ointments or corticosteroids, in specific cases, or abrasive creams to remove the layers of the skin.

A much more natural alternative is to add anti-inflammatory foods to your diet.

But not once in a while, but every day.

Little by little, eliminate everything that was in the section above and that does not do you any good at all.

Anti-inflammatory foods: the skin’s allies

1. Papaya

This delicious tropical fruit contains very good nutrients, including papain. This enzyme is characterized by its ability to heal the skin, as some research has found.

It is one of the best anti-inflammatory foods.

You can eat it in fruit salads or cold cakes.

You can also prepare papaya masks and apply on the skin directly.

2. Citrus


Especially the lemon, for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to balance the body’s pH, which translates into a more beautiful and deflated skin.

Make a lemon juice and drink it in the morning, on an empty stomach.

If it seems too strong, you can lower it with warm water (the same if you have stomach problems).

If your problem is skin blemishes, rub a lemon wedge into the dermis  before going to sleep.

3. Blue fish

We have already talked about Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids before.

If a food has a lot of the first, but not the second, and vice versa, it is not entirely positive for your body.

For this reason, fish such as salmon, sardines, or hake are the most suitable, because the amount of both nutrients is balanced.

This food should be consumed three times a week, in any preparation except fried.

They metabolize inflammatory substances that accumulate in the body and help make the skin look more beautiful and radiant.

4. Garlic


Have you ever thought that garlic is always present in all the lists of natural remedies?

Yes of course!

This is due to the thousand and one properties of this element.

There is evidence that the components of garlic have an effect on chronic skin inflammation.

You can cut a raw garlic clove in half and rub it on the dermis, or you can cut it very thin and add to your favorite creams.

5. Herbal infusions

There are actually four spices that have anti-inflammatory abilities for your skin.

Take note:

  • Plantain
  • Horse tail
  • Cat’s claw
  • Chamomile

Make an infusion with a cup of boiling water and a handful of any of these plants.

Let it rest, strain and, when it is cold or warm, soak a cotton ball, which you will apply to the skin.

No need to rinse or dry –  let the liquid soak into your pores and do its job.

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