5 Home Remedies To Relieve Jaw Pain

In addition to resorting to local remedies and solutions, to relieve jaw pain it is important to learn to control stress and avoid some harmful habits, such as chewing gum.

Jaw pain is more common than it sounds. Usually it comes on suddenly and causes a feeling of discomfort. However, as time passes, it becomes a stabbing and intense pain.

Its symptoms vary, depending on the cause, so it is recommended to treat this ailment, since the pain can spread to the face. However, you should not worry, as it is possible to soothe jaw pain with some home remedies.

Jaw pain usually arises when the jaw joints have become misaligned. The reasons why this happens is that the teeth do not fit properly with each other. It also happens due to bruxism (commonly known as teeth grinding). Neck injuries or a blow to the jaw are also a cause of this condition.

To soothe jaw pain there are several home remedies. However,  the first thing you should do is identify what is causing the discomfort and see a doctor if necessary.  Once you’ve done that, you can attack the throbbing pain. Also, you will have to modify some things, such as the type of diet or certain habits.

Causes of jaw pain

There are multiple causes that generate this annoyance and each one has different consequences. However, home remedies are very similar to soothe jaw pain. Whatever the case, it is important to see a doctor. This way you will be able to obtain more information about it and, in addition, you will treat the problem better.

Teeth grinding

Grinding of the teeth is one of the main causes of jaw pain. It is also known as bruxism and consists of clenching the teeth, voluntarily or involuntarily. Some people do it when they are sleeping. Others, when they are stressed, according to this study carried out by the University of Los Andes (Chile).

The pressure exerted when grinding the teeth is usually five times stronger than the one exerted when chewing. This problem causes wear on the tooth enamel and pain in the jaw. When done repeatedly it can also cause dislocation of the jaw and headache.


Osteomyelitis is an infection that affects the bones or any tissue, according to this study carried out by the University of Medical Sciences (Costa Rica). Some people often develop osteomyelitis in the temporomandibular joint. This usually causes facial swelling, high fever, and jaw pain.

This condition is curable, but it always requires medical attention. The most effective in this case are antibiotics. However, when the problem is very advanced, it may be necessary to resort to surgery to remove different areas of the bone that die from the infection.

Dental abscess

A tooth abscess  causes pus to collect in any area of ​​the tooth. In general, it is generated when there are cavities that have not been treated or any other type of dental problem.

  • There are two types. The periapical occurs at the root. For its part, the periodontal occurs in the gums, as stated in this research carried out by the University of Port Harcour (Nigeria).
  • When the bacteria reach the root of the tooth, they also affect the tissues near the bone. This produces uncomfortable jaw pains.
  • It can also swell the lymph nodes and cause a fever and an unpleasant odor and taste.

For this reason, it is recommended that you be treated by a dentist as soon as possible.

Home remedies to soothe jaw pain

E l jaw pain may have different causes and levels of intensity. If it is not taken care of in time, it can limit the movement of the jaw and make it difficult to speak or eat. These home remedies will help soothe jaw pain.

1. Ice compresses

According to this study carried out by the University of the Americas (Chile), ice packs relieve pain and deflate  nerves, which is why they are very effective in calming jaw pain. Never apply ice directly to your skin, as it can hurt you.

  • Put ice in a plastic bag.
  • Wrap the bag in a cloth cloth.
  • Apply the compress to the area for ten minutes.
  • Wait ten minutes before putting it back in.

2. Moist heat

Moist heat is the heat caused by warm water. This relaxes the over-active muscles. In addition, it improves blood circulation in the affected area, thus helping to reduce pain and improve the healing process and favor the flexibility of the area, according to this study carried out by the Federal University of Piauí (Brazil). You must check the temperature very well with your hands before applying it.

  • Wet a cloth with lukewarm water.
  • Squeeze it to remove excess water.
  • Apply it for ten minutes.
  • Repeat the process every two hours, until the jaw pain subsides.

3. Improve your diet

When you suffer from jaw pain, you have to give up some foods. As much as possible, avoid food that is too crunchy or hard. For example, nuts, raw vegetables, stale bread, or cookies. Choose soups, cooked vegetables, soft cheeses, and liquid foods.

Avoid chewing gum and drinking caffeine. This tightens the muscles in your jaw and temporomandibular joints, intensifying and prolonging jaw pain. Try to include in your diet foods rich in calcium and magnesium and vitamins A and C.

4. Massage the area

Massages help to optimize blood flow in the area and improve tension. For this reason, they are an excellent option to soothe jaw pain, no matter what is the cause that is causing the problem. Remember to do it very gently, so as not to hurt the area:

  • Apply olive oil, coconut oil, or cream to the jaw line.
  • Using your index and middle fingers, massage the area in circular motions for five minutes.
  • Open your mouth four or five times.
  • Repeat the process two or three times a day.

5. Fight stress

Stress produces fatal habits for the jaw. For example, biting your nails or grinding your teeth. In this case, it is advisable to incorporate relaxation habits, such as yoga or meditation. It is important that you get enough rest and that you maintain a proper cervical posture.

You can also do 20 or 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, twice a week. Exercise reduces stress and reduces anxiety, according to this study conducted by the University of Guayaquil (Ecuador).


Yawning openly, chewing gum or very hard foods, and sitting incorrectly will exacerbate the pain. For this reason, avoiding these little habits is essential to soothe jaw pain.

Deal with jaw pain naturally if possible. However, it is important to consult a specialist as soon as possible, since if the throbbing pain is very strong, the problem can be aggravated. The important thing in these cases is to pay enough attention and care to this problem.

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