5 Reasons To Consume Mandarin

Whether you call them mandarin, tangerine, or clementine, this fruit offers health benefits that we don’t have to overlook.

It is the fruit of the mandarin and one of the  most  widely consumed citrus fruits in the world.

Among the citrus fruits we find the mandarin, the  oranges, the  lemons  and the  grapefruit or grapefruit.

All of them are very healthy, with a low glucose index. Therefore, it is ideal for people who must control blood sugar levels, who for example suffer from diabetes or are overweight, and therefore must diet to lose weight.

Read also How to make a citrus remedy to increase defenses

Tangerine properties

Tangerines provide vitamins C, E, group B, and minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. In addition, they have fiber, carbohydrates, amino acids, and water.



Tangerine is a good source of vitamin C. Specifically, according to this article, the amount of vitamin C in a tangerine is 35 milligrams per 100 grams of tangerine.

This vitamin is a very powerful antioxidant as it is capable of neutralizing free radicals that can damage and age the body.

It also contains vitamin A, necessary for healthy eyes and the immune system.

Dietary fiber

Dietary fiber is associated with the prevention of digestive problems. There are two types of dietary fiber, and tangerine contains both.

The first type is insoluble fiber that facilitates intestinal transit. Lowers the risk of diverticular disease and treats gastrointestinal symptoms.


The second type of fiber is soluble fiber. Its main benefits are the reduction of cholesterol and the control of blood glucose.

To take advantage of the fiber in the mandarin and the benefits it brings to health, it is important to eat it whole. If we consume it in juice, we do not take advantage of the fiber because it remains in the pulp.

Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium for bones

Tangerine contains calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. These elements are vital for building bones and, consequently, for preventing osteoporosis.

A cup of mandarin segments provides between 2 and 4% of the recommended daily intake of these three minerals.

Considerations when consuming mandarin

Due to its flavor and ease of consumption, it is a good option as a snack or to complement the children’s lunch at school.

Also remember that it is better to consume a piece of tangerine or a cup of wedges instead of a glass of juice. And above all, you have to bear in mind that, despite its properties, mandarin does not replace the application of medical treatment.

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