5 Remedies To Reduce Expression Lines

Fine lines are inevitable with the passage of time. It is normal that little by little wrinkles and expression lines appear that are more marked on the forehead, between the eyebrows and around your lips.

When we look in the mirror and perceive them, we worry about mitigating them using specific creams and appropriate treatments. To be cared for, it takes effort, time and some money.

There are numerous natural ingredients that are available to everyone and that it is believed that they could help reduce the effects of the years on our face.

5 natural remedies to reduce fine lines


We are going to share five natural remedies that you can easily prepare. Due to its ingredients and properties, it is believed that good results could be obtained if you use them constantly. You dare?

1. Avocado and honey mask

Avocado is a fruit with a high content of vitamins D and E, these vitamins give it regenerative properties for the skin. There are many studies that tell us that avocado  acts as a beneficial balm to hydrate the skin and hide expression lines.

The regenerative action consists of stimulating the production of collagen, in this way wrinkles could be attenuated. If we combine it with honey, we obtain a cream capable of regenerating and providing elasticity.

How do we do it? You just have to mix the pulp of an avocado with a tablespoon of honey, we will use a fork to crush the pulp and obtain a fine mixture. We will apply it all over the face, leaving it to act for 20 minutes. After this time we rinse with warm water. How about we do it twice a week? 

2. Carrot mask


Carrot paste provides the skin with vitamins that could have a beneficial effect to restore its elasticity and firmness. Carrots have a concentration of beta-carotene and antioxidants.

How do we do it? We take two carrots, washed and peeled, we pass them through the blender until we obtain a juice. We put the mixture in a bowl and apply on the face. Let it act for 20 minutes, after this time, remove with warm water.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a plant that is credited with a number of benefits for the skin. In the subject we are dealing with, we will use it to try to reduce the expression lines around the eyes.

How do we do it? The first thing is to obtain the juice of two pieces of aloe vera to obtain the gel that we will apply in a thin layer around the eyes, let it act for 20 minutes and rinse with water.

4. Cocoa paste

It is a stimulating and effective remedy for fine lines. Its secret lies in one of the wonderful components of cocoa: lanolin, an element that helps to reduce wrinkles and hydrate your skin.

How do we do it? We have to mix one hundred grams of cocoa with a tablespoon of olive oil and a little cream, the moisturizer that you use for example every day. Make a paste and apply it as a normal mask, leave it to act for 20 minutes and rinse.

5. Castor oil

Castor oil is a classic remedy that has been passed down from generation to generation. In fact, many common beauty treatments contain this ingredient. However, there is really no evidence to ensure its effectiveness for wrinkles and fine lines.

In this case, you just have to mix a teaspoon of castor oil, a teaspoon of rose water and a teaspoon of milk. Next, you take a cotton ball and soak it in the mixture. With small touches we will pass it around the eye contour, the forehead and around the lips.

It is inevitable that the passage of time is reflected in our face. These natural remedies have beneficial properties that hydrate the skin to try to delay the signs of aging.

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