5 Tips To Take Care Of Your Feet This Summer

Summer is a time of year when most people have more free time. This, added to the climate and the increase in temperatures, causes many of the daily habits to change. Therefore, there are those who overlook that they must take care of their feet as much as in any other time. 

Although some ignore it, at this time the feet are exposed to infections and attacks on the skin. Changing footwear, barefoot activities or swimming pools create an ideal environment for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi. To avoid this, below we want to share some tips.

Why is it important to take care of your feet in summer?

The feet are one of the most important parts of the body. They act as a support, allow you to maintain a posture and, in addition, without them it would not be possible to walk or run. Despite this, many people tend to neglect them.

In times like summer they are more exposed to factors that affect their health, since heat and humidity create an environment conducive to the growth of infectious microorganisms. Also, outdoor activities increase the risk of injuries or calluses.

And it is that, it is normal to frequent public areas such as swimming pools or beaches, in which there is direct contact with bacteria, fungi and other elements that make this area of ​​the body vulnerable. Therefore, infections and ailments do not take long to appear. How to take care of the feet?

Why is it important to take care of your feet in summer?

Tips for taking care of your feet in summer

As detailed in a study published in the Annals of Family Medicine medical journal , the incidence of foot problems increases during the summer. For example, they are often swollen due to an accumulation of fluid, which can be very uncomfortable.

In addition, the fact of wearing bare footwear, such as sandals or flip flops, makes this area more exposed to any trauma. On the contrary, when wearing shoes with good support and covers, the blows are better cushioned. Let’s see in detail some recommendations to take care of your feet in summer.

1. Choose the right footwear

It is important to keep in mind which footwear should be used on each occasion. Flip-flops are not suitable for exercising or walking for a long time. However, it is advisable to wear them to protect yourself when stepping on wet areas.

The reason is what we pointed out before, in humid areas fungi proliferate more easily. For this reason, it is not advisable to go barefoot in common showers, access to swimming pools or changing rooms.

2. Do not share items for personal use

Footwear, towels and other items for personal use should not be shared. These measures help reduce the risk of infection and are part of good hygiene. Using the same utensils as other people can lead to onychomycosis, athlete’s foot, and other contagious foot diseases.

3. Maintain proper hygiene

When it comes to taking care of your feet in summer, it is not enough to just clean them with soap and water. If there is contact with water, either from the shower, the sea or from being in swimming pools, you must dry well. Drying should include the area between the fingers and the nails. 

4. Use sunscreen

The skin in this area is also sensitive to sunburn. Therefore, it is advisable to use sunscreen on the insteps, and even on the soles. According to an article published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology , sunscreen minimizes the aggressions caused by ultraviolet rays and is key to preventing photoaging.

5 tips to take care of your feet this summer

5. Apply moisturizing products

Summer weather conditions tend to cause dry feet and cracking. To prevent this from happening, moisturizer should be applied several times a day. Instead, using coconut oil, petroleum jelly, and another substance that provides moisture is also valid.

Other tips to take care of your feet

  • It is important to emphasize that, in any case, it is preferable to use sandals that are stable and that support the foot well. This reduces the risk of tripping or falling.
  • On the other hand, it is not recommended to use permanent nail polishes. They can cause allergic reactions and, in addition, they make perspiration in this area decrease, making it easier for microorganisms to proliferate.
  • Trying to remove corns or roughness with files or sandpaper is not the best option. They can cause wounds that also favor infections.

Consult the podiatrist

If you have any questions or problems, especially if there is already a pathology in the feet, it is best to go to the specialist. Visiting a podiatrist frequently allows you to develop a more precise plan for the care of this area of ​​the body in times like summer.

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