6 Natural Remedies To Alleviate The Most Common Ailments

Often our state of health is not the most appropriate due to small ailments that hinder our day to day.

From back discomfort to hair loss, there are several setbacks that can be solved in a simpler way than we think, with natural ingredients.

Take note of these remedies and you will notice how these ailments are alleviated.

1. Relieve back pain

Back pain is one of the ailments that can most worsen a person’s quality of life.

According to the National Institutes of Health, 8 out of 10 people suffer or will suffer from back pain at some point in their life.

To stop it there are also a series of natural remedies.

  • One of the most effective is to apply hot and cold cloths and alternate them every 20 minutes.
  • In the case of cold cloths, you can always use an ice pack wrapped in a towel.

There is also another most effective natural remedy for relieving back pain.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 cup of vinegar (250 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of rosemary (20 g)


  • Bring the liter of water to a boil along with the vinegar and add the two tablespoons of rosemary to the boil.
  • Let the decoction take place for 5 minutes and allow it to rest for another 5.
  • Dip this solution in a towel and apply to the area that bothers you. You will notice the relief.

2. Headache

relieve headache

Headaches are another of the most frequent and tedious ailments of all that we usually face in our day to day life.

To alleviate them, nothing like having a good cup of tea, preferably if it is mint or chamomile.

And it is that this drink has relaxing effects, which will reduce the pain.

Also, if you opt for chamomile tea, it could also be helpful in relieving an upset stomach.

3. Nasal congestion

Remedy for nasal congestion

The annoying nasal congestion can also be alleviated thanks to practical and effective home remedies that will make your life much easier.

One of the most useful  is to boil eucalyptus leaves and breathe their steam, which will help you decongest.

On the other hand, making an infusion based on laurel, sage and cinnamon can also be an effective solution.


  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tablespoon of sage (10 g)
  • Cinnamon stick


  • You will have to add the three herbs to the water, bring it to a boil and allow the decoction to take place for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • After this time, the smell it gives off will be so strong that it will help you decongest your nose.

4. Migraine

woman with migraine

One of the worst ailments is migraine.

It can even cause vomiting and people who suffer from it have a really bad time. therefore, anything that can help alleviate these headaches is more than welcome.

  • C oloca some alcohol on a banana peel and let it rest on your forehead about 30 minutes.
  • You will get the banana peel to absorb the accumulated toxins and you will reduce the headache in a natural way.

It can also help you to eat almonds on a daily basis, since it is a food that helps release endorphins and will make the headache begin to disappear.

5. Constipation

Fight constipation

If you have trouble going to the bathroom, there are natural foods that can help you regulate your bowel movement. One of them, for example, is olive oil.

  • You will have to apply a little on your belly and rub it in a circular way. If you want it to be really effective you will have to repeat it daily, as soon as you wake up.

It will also help you to drink fresh orange juice and kiwis on an empty stomach.

These foods provide you with the fiber your body needs and, at the same time, you will be able to stimulate the bile discharges that your intestine needs to do.

6. Acne

Acne mask

Acne can be incredibly annoying, as well as causing a significant drop in self-esteem.

Therefore, to combat it naturally, you can resort to rose water.


  • 10 rose petals
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  • You will have to put 10 rose petals in a bottle with half a liter of water and let it rest for 36 hours in the fridge.
  • After the indicated time, you will have to add a little alcohol to the mixture and apply it with a cotton ball to the affected areas once a day.
  • Store this product in the fridge.

A mask made of orange peel, oatmeal and yogurt will also help you.


  • The peel of an orange
  • 3 teaspoons of oatmeal (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt (12.5 g)


  •  You will have to put the peel of an orange in water, cut it into pieces and add three teaspoons of oatmeal and another two teaspoons of natural yogurt.
  • Mix everything together and let it rest for 24 hours in the fridge.
  • The resulting mixture will have to be applied on your skin and let it act for five minutes.
  • Remove with lukewarm water.

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