6 Tips For Buying Second-hand Clothes Right

Buying second-hand clothes is good from different points of view. In environmental terms, it contributes to reducing and reducing textile waste, as well as the waste of garments that are still useful.

Similarly, many people can access quality garments at affordable prices. In addition, the economy has found in this niche an alternative to stay afloat.

Buying second-hand clothes has become popular thanks to the concept of sustainability that is becoming more and more necessary in the world. It refers to the ability to satisfy our needs without compromising the resources that future generations may need.

Thus, we currently find multiple enterprises dedicated to recovering second-hand clothes to sell them in the best conditions and prices. These have been joined by recognized brands, who have opted to extend the life cycle of the garments they sell.

4 reasons why you should buy second-hand clothes

We know that there are many doubts about why we should extend the life cycle of clothing. Here we leave you 4 reasons to clear those concerns.

1. Unique and dreamy garments

Entering a second-hand clothing store is like entering a treasure store! With the growth of this market you can find fashion and brand garments at incredible prices.

Now, if you are one of those people who loves vintage , you will believe that you are dreaming. In these stores there are priceless garments that are no longer available on the front line, so take your time to choose.

Vintage fashion in a second hand store.

2. You support the local economy

Most second-hand clothing stores are small businesses. That is, people who dreamed of starting a company and are in the process of growth. Therefore, when you buy in these types of places you are supporting the growth of the local economy.

In these stores you can usually find people who are attentive and willing to advise you. For the most part, they are sellers with extensive knowledge in fashion and brands that can enrich your process and also your wisdom when it comes to fashion and style.

3. You free up traffic in landfills

Buying second-hand clothes frees landfill traffic in many ways. First, by giving clothes that are in good condition a new chance, you prevent them from ending up saturating these waste disposal spaces.

Second, you will be buying clothes that, for the most part, were designed to last, that is, they were made with quality raw materials. This prevents you from acquiring cheap and poor quality clothing that ends up in the trash with few uses.

4. Take care of environmental resources

Not because we leave it last does not mean that it is less important. The sustainable consumption of clothing avoids the exploitation of natural resources such as cotton, water, land and different natural fibers to make more and more garments.

The main factor of contamination is in the textile dyeing process, whether of natural or artificial origin. The latter, in fact, are more difficult to dye and usually require a large amount of heavy and toxic metals. These components, in turn, require large amounts of water.

Tips to get it right when buying second-hand clothes

Surely you already know why buy second-hand clothes and therefore you want to know how to enrich your process. Well, here we have 6 tips that will help you choose the best second-hand garments.

1. Try to have time and patience

As we mentioned before, to buy second-hand clothes you have to dress first with patience. Whether you make your purchases through a virtual platform or in-person store, it is better if you go with time to search.

These markets usually house large quantities of clothing. So if you want to choose the crown jewels, you will have to search, search and search. In this way, you will avoid taking home something that you are not entirely comfortable with.

2. Open your mind and don’t let anything keep you from the clothes

These thrift stores often have vintage and very, very vintage clothing . For this reason, you must have an open mind. If you liked it, get rid of prejudices such as “Is it very old-fashioned?” .

The important thing here is to help the planet, while obtaining those unique clothes that are no longer available in high-end stores.

3. Remember that it is always better to buy in company

One of the tips that we give you, especially when shopping in physical stores, is to go with someone. A good friend can help you search for the most treasured items and will help you decide if it is for you or not.

In addition, this way you can make more people fall in love with second-rate clothes and the word will spread among yours.

4. Check your clothes very well

Although thrift stores tend to have remarkable clothing acceptance and care protocols, it doesn’t hurt that you check the clothes that you are going to take home very well. Make sure the buttons are in good condition, as are the zippers and pins.

Check the crotch of the pants; If they are very worn and you have thick legs, they may not be the best option. Check that it does not have serious stains or undercooking.

Check your clothes at a thrift store.

5. Try on everything you chose

This is very important! Do not take clothes home to the eye. Take advantage of the fact that you are in company and take into account a second opinion.

Do not wear clothes that cannot fit; surely you will be lazy to return to make the change. Within months, it will end up in the trash. You will have wasted time and denied the opportunity to another person to extend the useful life of that outfit.

6. Wash clothes before wearing them

Washing clothes, new or used, is essential. Like you, many people have touched the garments and had them measured. This way you avoid contagion of different microorganisms.

In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have pointed out that the best way to wash clothes, for sanitizing purposes, is to use the hottest mode on the washer and the drying cycle.

Buying second-hand clothes is a world to discover

As you can see, buying second-hand clothes has great benefits. We are all happy, especially our planet.

As a last tip, we tell you to be seduced by this space full of treasures. Go ahead and sell or exchange your clothes and contribute to the growth of the market.

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