7 Essential Reasons To Consume Millet On A Regular Basis

Did you know that millet is one of the cereals that provides us with the most iron and that, thanks to its contribution of magnesium, it helps us avoid muscle cramps ?

Millet is a little-known cereal, but with a delicious taste and capable of providing many health benefits thanks to its excellent nutritional contribution. In fact, it is the only alkalizing cereal and contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that make it a perfect food to complete our dishes.

Here are all the reasons why you should incorporate millet into your diet. 

A little more about millet

Millet is a very nutritious cereal that is shaped like small round, yellow seeds. It is rich in complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Like rice or corn, millet is a gluten-free cereal, very suitable for celiacs and people suffering from certain digestive disorders.

Be careful, millet should not be eaten raw, as it can cause toxicity. It cooks in a similar way to any other cereal. However, in this article we will give the complete recipe.

7 reasons to eat millet

1. Alkalizing


Although whole grains are very healthy foods, most of them are acidifying, so we should consume them in moderation. However, as we have already indicated, millet is alkalizing, that is, it balances the pH of our body.

Bad habits in our diet and lifestyle usually cause us to acidify, which is why it is convenient to consume alkalizing foods at every meal.

2. Intestinal regulator

Millet is high in fiber, much higher than rice. Its soluble fiber has different properties:

  • Helps balance blood sugar levels.
  • Promotes and regulates intestinal transit and combats constipation.
  • It helps both to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, since it is a food that satisfies the appetite.

3. Iron against anemia

anemia analysis

Millet is one of the cereals that contains the most iron. A serving of 60 grams of millet provides almost half the iron we need in a day. This mineral is the best remedy to prevent and combat anemia, as well as to provide energy and vitality in cases of exhaustion or convalescence.

4. Goodbye to muscle cramps

This cereal also stands out for its high magnesium content, since it provides us with 4 times more of this mineral than rice. We must remember that our body needs magnesium to avoid muscle cramps and to cope well with physical and mental efforts.

Millet should not be missing in the diet of those who suffer from disorders such as chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, as well as in athletes and people who suffer from stress.

5. Balanced nervous system

Its magnesium content and B vitamins make it a very suitable food to balance the nervous system and all related disorders, such as anxiety, depression or stress.

Although these problems may require specific treatments, through diet we can prevent them or prevent them from worsening naturally and without suffering any side effects.

6. During pregnancy

Millet is a very beneficial food during pregnancy and lactation, thanks to its complete nutritional values ​​and its ability to provide an extra dose of energy at times when we need it.

The vitamins it contains promote the proper development of the fetus in the womb and provide the necessary nutrients to the mother during the lactation period.

7. Antioxidant


Millet is a good source of antioxidants, and two powerful minerals: zinc and selenium. Together, they  fight the damage that free radicals cause to our body.

How is it cooked?

It is very important to wash the millet well before cooking it, until the water runs clear and transparent. And if we want to give it a touch of special flavor, we can toast it lightly in the pan with a little olive oil before cooking. In this way it will have a flavor similar to that of walnut.

We will cook it for 15 or 20 minutes. If we want to make hamburgers or millet croquettes, we will let it cook for 5 more minutes, so that it is more compact.

Finally, we can season it or accompany it in the same way as we would with any rice or pasta recipe.

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