7 Natural Diuretics That You Should Incorporate Into Your Diet

Instead of resorting to drugs that help us stimulate kidney function, we can take advantage of natural diuretics. In this way we will make sure to avoid possible side effects.

Natural diuretics help your body get rid of excess fluid , mainly water and sodium . Most stimulate your kidneys to excrete more sodium in your urine.

When diuretics act on sodium, they force your body to expel the water. If your body retains fluids, it is likely due to other diseases and is a symptom of them.

It can be a thyroid malfunction, high blood pressure, cirrhosis, kidney dysfunction or stones, edema, polycystic ovary syndrome up to diabetes.

Learn about these 7 natural diuretics that you should incorporate into your diet.

1. The dandelion

This is a common wild plant in our gardens, as some people consider just a weed.

Research has found that one of the compounds in dandelion increases activity in the kidneys and causes the frequency of urination to increase.

Its green leaves, stems and roots are diuretic. In addition to helping to level sugar, it promotes detoxification of the colon and the liver.

2. Hawthorn

This is a relative of the Rosaceae family and, believe it or not, it is a powerful diuretic.

It has the power to reduce fluid build-up, which means that it can help improve symptoms of congestive heart failure.

The nutrients in this plant have also been shown to increase the frequency and flow of urination.

On the other hand, hawthorn berries are rich in vitamin C, B, and minerals. In addition to serving as a diuretic, they can help:

  • Treat kidney problems.
  • Pump the blood stronger from the heart.
  • Reduce fever.

3. The ponytail

In a 2014 study, horsetail extract was found to have the same results as other prescription diuretics, but with fewer side effects. Horse tail

Every time you enjoy a rich cup of hot tea, you are causing the excess liquid to flow out of your body. Both black and green teas have been shown to be powerful natural diuretics.

Thanks to their high caffeine content , they help your body produce more urine , reducing the amount of water, especially in your bloodstream. , so they lower your blood pressure.

6. Parsley

Although parsley is usually used more as a dressing, it may be more useful for those who are having problems with taking diuretic drugs.

Studies have shown that it is one of the most recommended natural diuretics to help us increase urinary volume.

To obtain its benefits we can prepare an infusion.


  • Parsley.
  • Water (200 ml).


  1. Boil a handful of fresh parsley for 10 minutes. Let it cool and reserve the liquid in the refrigerator.
  2. Consume a glass of this infusion a day for a week for best results.

7. Hibiscus or Jamaica flower

The hibiscus is a plant of the Malvaceae family, with large, generally reddish flowers known as “Jamaica flower”, although there are varieties of different colors.


Several studies have indicated that Jamaica flower increases kidney filtration, reduces swelling and fights fluid retention  thanks to its diuretic effects.

Tips to increase the effectiveness of these natural diuretics

In addition to these natural diuretics, reducing sodium intake and exercising more can benefit your health . This allows you to reduce fluid build-up.

Eating more fruits and vegetables in general can also increase the diuretic effect in your body.

Among the most beneficial are:

  • Watermelon.
  • Grapes.
  • Berries
  • Celery.
  • Asparagus.
  • Onion.
  • Garlic. 
  • Peppers. 

It is important that before considering changing any medication prescribed by your doctor, you discuss it with him. Any drastic change in your treatment can be detrimental to your health.

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