7 Simple Tips To Prevent Hair Loss Without Spending Money

Preventing hair loss is something that worries many people. After all, hair loss is a health problem and an aesthetic issue that can greatly affect self-esteem.

Although there are many remedies, natural and conventional, that promise miraculous results, most of them do not offer the desired results.

In this article we share 7 simple and honest tips to prevent hair loss without spending money.

They are worth trying!

Does hair loss have a solution?

Hair loss can be related to many factors. If it is a hereditary issue, it is very difficult to avoid it. However, it is possible to prevent hair loss.

In many cases there are other factors, such as diet, circulation or stress that can influence a lot, and that, therefore, can be improved so as not to lose as much hair.

Tips to prevent hair loss

1. Reduce salt intake

tips to reduce salt intake

Although it may seem surprising, reducing salt intake can help us prevent and reduce hair loss.

Salt, in excess, damages the kidneys and, therefore, a function of the body related to the balance of minerals.

  • We must also avoid foods that are too salty, especially those that are made with table salt or common salt.
  • We will consume sea salt or Himalayan salt in small quantities and we will enhance the seasoning of dishes with spices. 

2. Hair massages

stimulate hair growth with aloe vera, onion and geranium

Activating the circulation of the scalp is an excellent and free remedy  to prevent hair loss and to have a stronger and healthier mane.

This massage should be of medium intensity:

  • With the fingertips we will make small circles pressing a little to move the scalp.
  • We will start with the area closest to the forehead and move up to the nape of the neck. We will do it for about 10 minutes each day.
  • We can use, if we wish, a mixture based on vegetable oils (coconut, castor, olive, jojoba) and essential oils (rosemary, lavender, cinnamon, mint).
  • We will let them act on our scalp throughout the night and in the morning we will wash our hair normally.

3. Daily brushing

The grandmothers said that to have strong, beautiful and abundant hair, you had to brush every night a hundred times.

This ancient remedy, which sounds more like a legend, has a solid base and is to activate circulation and distribute the sebum in the hair.

If we use a wooden brush and natural bristles every day for a few minutes, we will be able to notice satisfactory and evident results in a couple of weeks.

  • We can do it as if we were combing our hair normally, from front to back, and also tilting the head forward, to do it from the nape to the center of the head.

4. Dress with lemon juice


In some cases, hair loss may be related to iron deficiency anemia. Losing hair is one of the most frequent symptoms when we have an iron deficiency.

Iron-based supplements should always be taken under a medical prescription, since they have side effects for health that the specialist doctor must assess.

However, there is another way to facilitate the assimilation of iron and that is by combining food with vitamin C.

  • To achieve this at no cost, we suggest you always season your dishes with fresh lemon juice, rich in this vitamin, to better assimilate the iron present in food.

5. Turn upside down

Putting yourself in an inverted posture for several minutes a day, with your head lower than the rest of your body, is also a simple technique to prevent alopecia and also to improve many other mental functions.

It is, in short, a remedy to prevent aging.

6. Sleep well

If we are not getting enough rest at night, due to insomnia or because we are sleeping only a few hours, that could be the cause of hair loss.

For this reason it is essential to improve the quality of your night’s rest. 

7. Avoid stress

Stress is the epidemic of this century and the great enemy of health, since it unbalances the entire body and causes symptoms such as hair loss, among many others.

Put an end to stress by changing things in your life, prioritizing what is really important and enjoying the little things from day to day.

What do you think of these tips to prevent hair loss?

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