7 Tricks To Say Goodbye To Bad Smell In Footwear

Proper hygiene is essential to prevent our footwear from smelling. In addition to cleaning ourselves, we must frequently clean our shoes and air them to prevent them from accumulating odors.

Bad smell in footwear is a fairly common problem that is usually triggered when the person does not have proper hygiene with their feet or leads a hectic lifestyle that causes excessive sweating.

The feet are one of the areas of the body where the greatest amount of sweat is produced and they are also usually an ideal area for the proliferation of certain bacteria, responsible for those unpleasant odors.

Those who regularly present this condition tend to have social difficulties and self-esteem problems due to the rejection that this implies.

Luckily, there are currently many remedies to avoid and combat this condition, including those odors that remain impregnated from the shoes.

Although there are hundreds of products on the market to deal with this problem , today we want to share 7 interesting natural tricks that can become the best solution. Get to know them!

1. Citrus peels for footwear

Citrus peels to improve shoe odor

Who doesn’t love the delicious scent of citrus? That strong smell that attracts us so much is a good solution to neutralize that bad smell that is impregnated in the footwear.

Take lemon, orange, or grapefruit peels and put them inside smelly shoes. You should let them act overnight so they have enough time to neutralize it.

2. Tea tree essential oil

Within the category of essential oils with antiseptic properties, that of tea tree stands out.

This ingredient is recommended to fight fungi and bacteria. In the same way, due to its pleasant aroma it can also be useful in eliminating bad odors.

Add two or three drops to the insole of your footwear and leave it to work overnight to kill bacteria.

3. Lavender

This plant is famous for its pleasant aroma and also for its slight antibacterial action  that can combat those microorganisms that give rise to bad odor.

Put a few flowers of the plant inside the shoes or, if possible, apply a few drops of its essential oil.

4. Baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda is one of the quintessential ingredients to deodorize and prevent excessive sweat production.

Add a little of the white powder to your shoes and let it work so that its antibacterial properties work against the unpleasant odor.

5. Cat litter

We are sure this trick had never crossed your mind. That litter that you use for your cat  can also help you absorb those bad odors from your footwear.

Fill a pair of socks with this sand and stuff each one into the smelly shoes. The next day put them in the sun to finish completing the task.

6. Change templates

A quick solution to reducing the foul smell of your shoes is to regularly change the insoles.

In general, it is just this part that absorbs sweat and all those bacteria that trigger this condition.

7. The freezing technique

Freeze shoes

Have you ever frozen your shoes? It seems crazy but the truth is that it can be quite useful.

Some time ago we told you that you can increase up to two shoe sizes by introducing them with bags in the freezer.

Well, this trick is also applicable to eliminate bad smell. You just have to leave them overnight.  The next morning, dry them in the sun.

What to do to have proper hygiene with your shoes?

Proper hygiene with shoes

Hygiene is the fundamental pillar so that bad odors do not ruin those shoes that you love to wear so much.

To do this, heed the following recommendations:

  • Avoid wearing your closed shoes every day: This is not good for your health and not for your feet. The lack of ventilation creates an ideal environment for fungi and bacteria. This creates dryness, pain and a bad smell.
  • Air your shoes:  Once you get home, place your shoes in a place where they can receive a cool breeze.
  • Wash your shoes regularly : Keep them clean using the same detergent you wash your clothes with and dry them directly in the sun.
  • Use an antiperspirant:  If you have excessive sweating problems, it is best to use an antiperspirant deodorant every day to avoid the bad smell.

    If nothing works for you, it is best to consult your doctor.

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