8 Foods To Cleanse The Liver Naturally

Vitamin C works as a natural antioxidant. Its moderate consumption cleans toxins from the liver and helps us improve its functioning

The liver is the largest organ in our body and its functions are vital to our health, thanks to it we detoxify everything we eat, breathe and absorb through our skin . According to the FIH (International Hepatitis Foundation), this organ is the one that converts the nutrients we consume into energy and muscles; stores vitamins and regulates fat stores. For this reason, its proper functioning depends a lot on the health of the person and also that of the rest of the body.

There are many factors that put liver health at high risk, among these we find high alcohol consumption, environmental pollutants, excess unhealthy food, or drugs, among others. If you feel identified with any of them and want to purify your liver in a natural way, today we are going to present you 8 special foods that you can take into account if you want to improve your liver health and if you want to prevent diseases related to it.


Garlic is a food rich in allicin and selenium, these two elements are ideal for cleaning the liver and keeping it healthy. Likewise, garlic activates the enzymes that eliminate toxins, which will help prevent diseases while cleaning this organ of what may affect it. For the liver it is one of the most recommended foods, in addition its consumption will also serve to control cholesterol, improve circulation and increase defenses . The ideal is to consume it in raw form since when cooking it loses 90% of effectiveness; It can be consumed alone or it can also be added to meals.

Garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar remedy to relieve a sore throat.


Turmeric has several properties that are very beneficial for the liver. According to specialized studies, this plant has substances such as borneol, turmenone, eugenol and caffeic acid, which work as a great protector of this organ since they clean and detoxify, which maintains its good health.

Its components help the digestion of fat and is a good remedy for heavy digestions caused by poor diet.  Turmeric is recommended for jaundice, cirrhosis, and liver diseases.

Olive oil

Olive oil is bottled gold and protects against oxidative damage to liver tissue, according to studies, this oil, like flax and hemp seeds, provide a base of lipids that absorb toxins so that the organ has a better operation ; helps to purify naturally and also prevents diseases. Its consumption also reduces the risk of coronary artery disease. It is recommended to add it to meals and use it as an alternative to different fats normally used in cooking.

Recover your straight hair olive oil


They are rich in vitamin C, which works as a natural antioxidant, its moderate consumption cleanses the liver and prevents it from many diseases. The most recommended citrus fruits for our liver are lemons, limes and oranges.

Going on the lemon diet


Almonds are rich in arginine, an amino acid that helps detoxify, for this reason it is a highly recommended food for cleansing the liver . Its components rich in omega-3 fatty acids and glutathione, support the different functions that will help to purify the liver naturally.

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Brown rice and other cereals are very beneficial for the liver due to their high levels of B-complex vitamins. Thanks to this, the liver can improve fat metabolism, its decongestion and its function in general. It is recommended to use whole wheat alternatives instead of refined white flours.


Green leafy vegetables

Vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, spinach or cabbage, among others, can help neutralize heavy metals, pesticides and other chemicals that affect the body. For the liver it is a good purifier since it helps eliminate toxins and regulates saturated fats that can modify its proper functioning.

Benefits of spinach

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Green Tea

Green tea and its components can help reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver. Contains catechins and antioxidants that ward off liver disorders and provides a protective effect. Studies reveal that green tea helps take care of the liver from the negative effects of toxic substances such as alcohol and prevents liver inflammation.

A good cup of green tea a day can be very beneficial to our health

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