8 Habits For A Healthy Heart

Heart diseases occupy the first positions of the list among the main causes of death in the world. For this reason, it is very important to comply with certain daily practices. Next, we tell you what are the best habits to achieve a healthy heart.

Having a healthy heart is possible

With the fast-paced and neglected lifestyle of the 21st century, it’s  no wonder so many people suffer from heart problems. Enjoying an optimal heart may seem like a utopia, but with some changes or adjustments in our life habits, the most important organ of the body can enjoy excellent health:

1. Eat a balanced diet

Surely you have read and heard this phrase thousands of times, but it could not be more true. The risks of having a heart attack are closely related to diet.

The less healthy our diet is, the more likely we are to suffer from heart disease. The equation is very simple. The abuse of certain foods full of saturated fat or sodium has a negative influence on the cardiovascular system.

  • Among the foods that we should consume in moderation are red meat, pastries and fast food. By reducing cholesterol and blood pressure, we improve heart health considerably.
  • It is recommended to consume a lot of fruits and vegetables (raw, baked or cooked, but not fried), fish, lean meats and whole grains.
  • Olive oil, nuts and legumes cannot be missing from our diet.

All of this is evidenced in this article published in the Spanish Journal of Cardiology .

2. Exercise


The practice of sport, even if it is of low intensity, reduces heart disease because it improves the functioning of the cardiorespiratory system, reduces hypertension and cholesterol and prevents overweight. In addition, exercising is linked to a lower chance of angina or heart attack. And so this study published in Sports Psychology Notebooks points out .

The most recommended physical activity for a healthy heart is that of the aerobic type, such as walking, running, swimming or cycling. It should be practiced at least 3 times a week, 30 minutes every day. The benefits are much broader than you think.

3. Relax

Stress affects the body in various ways and can promote the development of various conditions. And, in this sense, it should not be forgotten that daily stresses are closely related to the main pathologies of the heart. The risk groups are made up of those people prone to suffer excessively with negative emotions and thoughts, among others.

To relax, you can carry out different practices such as meditation, yoga or Tai Chi. And if we don’t like any of it, we can just walk in the park, take a nap or take a bath. In this way, the mind and heart will be calmer and we will avoid many health problems.

4. Quit smoking for a healthy heart

Give up smoking

Tobacco is one of the main risk factors for coronary heart disease. Smoking increases the risk of thrombosis and reduces the caliber of the arteries, making it difficult for blood to flow to the heart.

The smoke and other substances contained in a cigarette are clearly harmful to health in general and to the cardiorespiratory system in particular. All of this is evidenced in this article published in the Habanera Magazine of Medical Sciences .

5. Do not drink alcohol

As with smoking, alcoholic beverages are one of the main cardiovascular risk factors. The negative impact of excessive intake is truly alarming.

It is not necessary to give up alcohol overnight; just limit the quantities. A glass of red wine is even considered a good way to keep your heart healthy. The problem lies in fermented beverages, such as beer, or with a very high alcohol content (vodka, whiskey, tequila) when they are drunk daily or several times a week.

6. Maintain a healthy weight

A high percentage of people around the world are obese or overweight. This not only applies to adults, but more and more children are well over their normal weight.

This problem can trigger heart attacks and other heart-related conditions. When the person is obese, this organ must make a greater effort to fulfill its tasks.

Also, if the fat has clogged the arteries, the blood return to the heart is more complicated. It is therefore necessary to pay attention to the extra kilos and not relate them only to beauty to have a healthy heart.

7. Get a good night’s sleep for a healthy heart

Better sleep without pills

Another one of the “commandments” to have a healthy heart is to get enough rest. For some people 6 hours is correct, while there are others who need 7 or 8 hours each night to feel full. The important thing is to sleep without interruption through the night.

Sleep habits can help or harm the heart system depending on how they develop. For example, insomnia favors the appearance of tachycardias or hypertension and lack of rest can lead to unhealthy eating practices (having anxiety attacks for eating during the early morning, for example).

8. Be happy

When we experience positive emotions, the body can cure almost any disease or reduce pain. On the contrary, negative thoughts and feelings have the opposite effect on the heart.

In short, in addition to maintaining good lifestyle habits, it will be essential that you follow all the guidelines provided by your doctor. In this way, you can enjoy a good quality of life in the long term and enjoy a healthy heart.

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