8 Ways To Combat Laryngitis

Although laryngitis tends to resolve naturally in a week, we can speed up its healing and alleviate its symptoms if we take into account some aspects, such as not forcing the voice or keeping the throat hydrated

Before talking about how to fight laryngitis, you should know that this is an inflammation or infection of the larynx and vocal cords. When this problem appears, change the way your vocal cords vibrate. Likewise, hoarseness or loss of voice is manifested to some degree ., throat pain,  coughing and difficulty swallowing.

The causes of this inflammation can be viral in origin, such as a cold, or bacterial, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. For this reason, it is essential to go to the doctor and follow his instructions to achieve improvement. 

Risk factors and medical treatment

Recommendations to quit smoking

There are risk factors that can facilitate the appearance of laryngitis, such as:

  • Smoke from cigar.
  • Exposure to irritating or toxic gases.
  • Excessive use of the voice.

Depending on the source of the infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or corticosteroids. For this reason, you must go to consultation and follow their instructions. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

The MSD Manual states that “cough suppressants, voice rest, and steam inhalations relieve symptoms and promote resolution of acute laryngitis. Smoking cessation and treatment of acute or chronic bronchitis can alleviate it ”.

8 ways to fight laryngitis

Additionally (if the professional authorizes it) you could resort to some ways to combat laryngitis that grandmothers recommend. Do you want to know what they are? In that case, do not stop reading everything that we are going to tell you below.

1. Rest your voice and avoid whispering

This is a general suggestion and especially valid if you are a teacher, announcer, singer or someone who uses the voice too much.

Although we understand that your work obligations can complicate your rest, It is advisable to stop forcing your voice and find the time necessary for the larynx and all related organs to rest .

It is important to remember that the idea is that the larynx and vocal cords are not strained.

  • This means that whispering is not a good idea either.
  • As it involves improper use of these muscles and can worsen inflammation.

2. Keep your throat hydrated

Natural infusions to fight cystitis

Consuming enough water is one of the best alternatives to combat laryngitis. It is important that you choose to consume natural water or soft infusions such as cinnamon.

  • Try to avoid coffee because caffeine tends to be dehydrating and increases a dry throat .
  • It is also advisable to avoid sodas and other carbonated drinks or with too many chemicals, as they can cause or aggravate acid reflux problems.

    3. Control allergens in the environment

    Allergens are all those things that can cause allergies, such as:

    • Pets.
    • Pollen.
    • Dust.
    • Strong odors.
    • Certain foods

    These agents can cause irritation and inflammation of the throat and trigger inflammation of the larynx. .

    Therefore, to combat laryngitis, it is advisable to stay away from any factor that you have already detected as a trigger for allergies.

    4. Avoid backflow

    If you suffer from reflux, it is a good idea to control it by following the instructions of your doctor .

    • You can also take advantage of the home remedies available. 
    • As long as you make sure to ask your doctor to make sure there will be no consequences.

    It is important that you do this, because  backflow damage can be serious if not treated in time .

    5. Stay away from irritants

    Things like cigarette smoke, paint fumes, chemicals, and wood dust are factors to avoid to combat laryngitis and eradicate it from your life.

    In case your profession or daily activities force you to be exposed to them, wear protective masks.

    • You should also ventilate the areas where you spend time well to reduce the risks of exposure.
    • Even if you no longer detect these agents as nuisance, they continue to cause harm to your body.

    6. Take advantage of the benefits of a humidifier

    A humidifier in the room can contribute to relief.

    When the weather is dry, the vocal cords become dry and the irritation of the larynx worsens. In these cases, a humidifier will help keep the membrane that covers these organs hydrated and will relieve symptoms.

    • However, you should also consider something else: it is important to properly maintain the humidifier .
    • Otherwise you could end up breathing in common bacteria in dirty tanks.

    7. Breathe eucalyptus fumes

    Buy some oil from eucalyptus and add 10 drops to a liter of boiling water. Then breathe in the fumes to fight laryngitis.

    • If you notice that the discomfort increases during the night, apply a couple of these drops on your pillow.

    8. Onion syrup to fight laryngitis

    Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, onion is positioned as a good natural remedy to combat any discomfort associated with a respiratory disease.


    • ½ medium onion.
    • Juice of 1 lemon.
    • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g).
    • ⅓ glass of water (66 ml).


    • Chop the onion into small cubes and combine with the rest of the ingredients.
    • Bring to a fire and wait for the honey, water and lemon juice to create a thick liquid.
    • Remove from heat and wait for it to cool.
    • You can take a tablespoon of this syrup in the morning and another at night.

    In general terms, laryngitis tends to heal naturally within a week . However, we understand that it can be annoying to deal with. Take into account these remedies to combat laryngitis and always follow the instructions of your doctor.

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