9 Medicinal Plants That Help You Lose Weight

In order to lose weight, some plants can help you lose weight and improve your metabolism thanks to their properties and nutrients.

Having a good figure with appropriate measurements and the ideal weight is what most people want. You are looking for ways to lose weight but, sometimes, you end up investing time and effort in treatments that do not work in the search for the expected results.

In addition, there are many products that claim to help you lose weight and that is why in this article we will inform you about some natural alternatives that could contribute to this purpose.

There are medicinal plants that help to lose weight in an effective and healthy way. However, before taking any of them, it should be clear that they will serve as a supplement to the diet; so they will be combined with proper nutrition and a good exercise routine.

Once this is clear, let’s look at the plants that will help you lose weight below.

Green tea for weight loss

Green tea can help you lose weight

This is, without a doubt, one of the best known alternatives to help you lose weight. Its operation is based on the antioxidants it contains and that would help burn fat in a short time.

Catechins and caffeine, both contained in green tea, are believed to play an important role in increasing energy metabolism, which can therefore lead to weight loss.

However, studies agree that further research needs to be done. This is explained, for example, by the following Cochrane Library article :

For this reason and to develop all the benefits that this renowned plant can provide, combine its consumption with a balanced diet and, at least, 30 minutes of daily exercises. It can be taken several times a day and would even serve as an alternative to other drinks.

aloe vera

Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory properties that would improve digestion and, in turn, vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12 that are responsible for facilitating the expulsion of toxins from the body; contributing, in this way, to fat loss.

According to a study published by several researchers at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, aloe vera would break down the fat globules in the blood so that the levels of triglycerides, low-density cholesterol and lipids would decrease; which would progressively lead to a possible decrease in body weight.

In general, the crystal of aloe vera blended with a citrus juice sweetened with honey is consumed. However, its intake is not recommended in pregnant or lactating women.



Cinnamon is recognized for its properties to speed up metabolism and regulate blood sugar levels.

For this reason, it is not surprising that researchers often use it as an ingredient in the development of dietary supplements.

Furthermore, according to a study published by the Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez (UANCV), cinnamon helps to reduce triglycerides and cholesterol and helps improve glucose metabolism; making you feel less anxious to eat food and serving as an ally in weight control.


Mustard is a cruciferous plant, belonging to the broccoli, cauliflower or cabbage family.

The following study published by the World Applied Sciences Journal supports that its seeds are recognized for their antioxidant activity and that, as they also contain an important source of fiber, they could help burn more calories with better results.

On the other hand, it should be administered moderately. Thus, consuming ⅗ teaspoon of seeds a day will contribute to burning an extra 45 calories.


Cumin contains beneficial properties for digestion, to increase energy production and to control the glycemic index in people with type 2 diabetes. This is what the following study published by the Journal of Diabetes Nursing would affirm .

Thanks to these properties, including this supplement in the diet would help eliminate toxins from the body in order to lose weight.

Artichoke to lose weight

The artichoke has cleansing, diuretic and laxative properties. A vast majority of slimming products are formulated based on this plant, since it is among the foods most recommended by experts to lose weight.

For this reason, its fresh leaves can be used to make infusions and drink them throughout the day.



This herb has been used conventionally over the years. According to this article in the International Medical Journal , the properties of celery would help to lose weight and cleanse the body if accompanied by a proper exercise routine.

Despite this, an article published by the International Journal of Preventive Medicine has linked the abuse of celery consumption with side effects such as hyperthyroidism, so it is advisable to moderate its quantity and not think of it as a miracle remedy.

To consume it, you must cut the raw celery. Afterwards, it will be boiled in water for 30 minutes and it will be strained to drink it.

Cayenne pepper for weight loss

Cayenne pepper has a compound called capsaicin, which is responsible for giving it that particular warm and spicy flavor. In addition, it has been believed that it can be beneficial for weight loss, since it would accelerate energy expenditure and suppress the accumulation of body fat by activating the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) in animals and humans.

However, as this article published by the International Journal of Emergency Medicine would explain ; it is necessary to take special precaution in its consumption, since in concentrated doses the cayenne would be implicated in carviovascular diseases.

As has been proven, there are a number of plants that are still maintained as the object of future research and others that would definitely contribute to weight loss (accompanied by a series of exercises and diet to take effect).

We hope this article has been helpful to you and don’t forget to consult a doctor or nutritionist before making any changes to your lifestyle. 

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