These Are The 5 Healthiest Vegetables

All vegetables, like fruits, are healthy and considered essential in a healthy diet. In fact, its daily consumption is related to the prevention of metabolic diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that, on average, 1.7 million lives could be saved each year if consumption of these foods were increased enough.

Because of this, dietary recommendations around the world emphasize increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables as a strategy for disease prevention and health maintenance. In addition, it is a way to obtain essential micro and macronutrients. What are the healthiest vegetables? We detail them below.

Vegetables and phytochemicals

Vegetables stand out among foods for having a wide range of active compounds that provide health benefits. These substances are known as phytochemicals, but are also called phytonutrients or nutraceuticals.

There are different groups of phytochemicals and, in turn, within each group there is a huge variety of substances that have anti-inflammatory effects. Likewise, these are responsible for providing the characteristic colors to the food.

The families of the main phytochemicals with anti-inflammatory properties are as follows:

  • Carotenoids: such as lycopene and beta-carotenes.
  • Phenolic compounds: such as polyphenols, flavonoids and flavones.
  • Sulfur compounds: such as allicin and luteonin .
Vegetables and phytochemicals

What are the healthiest vegetables?

Different epidemiological studies have shown the role that these substances have in the prevention of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases and various types of cancer. Among the healthiest vegetables, which have a high contribution of these substances, those discussed below stand out.

1 tomato

Tomato is a source of lycopene (it is part of the group of caretonoids). It contributes between 80 and 90% of this phytochemical, which is also found in nature as a natural pigment, responsible for the red and orange color of some fruits and vegetables.

Added to this, it is a basic product that is considered healthy due to its low content in kilocalories and fat, and its content in fiber, protein, vitamins A, C, and E, and potassium.

2. Onion

Onion contains phytochemicals such as luteolin, luteolin glycosides, and flavanols. It is the dark colored onions with a more pronounced flavor that have the highest anti-inflammatory activity. It has a preventive character in the appearance of chronic diseases. 


3. Broccoli

Broccoli stands out for its content of sulfur compounds. Luteolin is its main component and serves as a mediator of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory processes associated with aging. There are studies that suggest that it can exert gastric protective effects, even in low concentrations.

4. Carrot

Carrot is an excellent food from a nutritional point of view, since it is an important source of vitamins and minerals, and it has been considered one of the vegetables with the highest content of dietary fiber.

Its orange color is due to the presence of carotenes, including beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A, a natural pigment that the body transforms into vitamin A. This vitamin promotes visual health; helps the formation and maintenance of teeth, bones and mucous membranes; and keeps skin healthy.

5. Garlic

Garlic has sulfur components, such as allicin, which have an important antiobiotic function. In fact, studies suggest that it can help prevent the growth of pathogens that cause infection. 

However, it must be considered that this compound is not present as such, but is formed when garlic is minced, crushed or chewed.

What should be clear about vegetables?

Vegetables are foods that stand out for their contribution of nutrients and active substances. In this sense, the ideal is to incorporate the mentioned options, together with a diet based on natural foods.

In addition, in order to prevent diseases and maintain well-being, it is advisable to consume water, lead an active life and limit the consumption of processed products and alcohol.

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