A Glass Of Wine Equals One Hour Of Exercise

On several occasions we have heard the great benefits of having a glass of wine a day. This has given us more reason to consider consuming this delicious drink that has delighted our palate for centuries.

In case you were still not convinced of the reasons to drink wine more often, today we bring you a very important one, which will surely capture all your attention and make you want to have a bottle of wine at home right now.

A glass of red wine could be equivalent to an hour of exercise

According to a recent study, red wine is rich in a component called resveratrol. This substance could increase heart rate and muscle performance. According to this research, consuming a glass of red wine a day could have the same effects on the body as doing an hour of exercise.


Scientists found that a good dose of the resveratrol component improves:

  • Physical performance.
  • Cardiac function.
  • Muscle strength.

Hence it is said that a glass of red wine a day can be equivalent to an hour of physical activity.

Of course, the consumption of red wine or resveratrol combined with other foods such as some fruits and nuts:

  • It also increases physical performance.
  • Therefore, there would be a “plus” in the results.

With this discovery, researchers will begin to experience the effects of resveratrol in diabetic people with heart problems. To determine if it can contribute to your heart improvement.

Other benefits of red wine worth remembering

There are many  benefits to drinking a glass of red wine a day.  It is worth remembering how good it is for health. Therefore, among its main benefits we can find:

  • Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • The risk of suffering ischemic strokes (blockage of an artery in the brain) is lower.
  • Atherosclerosis  (hardening of the arteries) is reduced  .
  • Due to its antioxidants, it also helps fight bad cholesterol and stimulates good cholesterol. And so says this research published in the J ournal of the American College of Nutrition.
  • Helps strengthen the immune system.  Making us stronger against infections or allergies.
  • Its high content of vitamins and antioxidants make it a very healthy food for the skin.
  • Its daily consumption can help prevent early appearances of signs of aging.
  • It has an anticoagulant effect on the body. This improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation.
  • It is a significant source of minerals and trace elements such as: magnesium, zinc, lithium, calcium, iron and potassium.
  • Reduces the risk of kidney stone formation.
  • It is also useful to fight urinary infections.
  • Reduces the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes. According to this study, it could help reduce insulin resistance.
  • Improves dental health.  Thanks to the natural antioxidants it contains, capable of slowing down the growth of the bacterial flora that is housed in the teeth and gums.
  • The antioxidants present in red wine and grapes also protect against eye diseases such as macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. According to an article published in the journal  Nature,  people who consume wine in a moderate way are 32% less likely to develop cataracts.


The fact that red wine is healthy does not mean that we can drink it in excess.

  • To take advantage of all the benefits of this drink for our health, it is very important to drink it in moderation.
  • The most indicated, in general, is one or a maximum of two glasses of red wine a day.
  • Exceeding its intake can cause serious liver problems and other health problems.

Since you know all the benefits of this delicious drink, do not miss out on including it in your diet. There are many positive contributions to your health.

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