The “secret” Component Of Watermelon That Helps You Build Stronger Muscles

When we think of watermelon, almost instantly, a pleasant sensation of freshness, satisfaction and well-being explodes in the mind . It is the fruit of summer, we know. In addition, it is that natural proposal that combines so well with natural juices and salads.

However, it is possible that you believe that watermelon “is all that water” , thus thinking that its nutritional level is minimal, if not nonexistent. Well, you will like to discover that, despite the fact that 92% of its content is water, in each bite we get  very significant levels of vitamins A, B6 and C, as well as an endless number of antioxidants and amino acids.

What’s more, it has hardly any sodium and its level of fat is almost non-existent. What more can we ask of the watermelon? Actually, we can ask him for something more, which he will fulfill perfectly: to replenish us, to give us energy and resistance to our muscles when we are exhausted. Does it seem incredible to you? Continue reading.

L-citrulline, the amino acid in watermelon

The amino acid in watermelon

If you’ve never heard of L-citrulline you shouldn’t be surprised. It is better known in the sports field, because it is a non-essential amino acid with which the athlete manages to improve their performance, according to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

It is also possible that the term “non-essential amino acid” has caught your attention. What does this mean exactly?

  • Nonessential amino acids are all those that the body can synthesize. In addition, its consumption is not necessary on a daily basis.

Let’s see, therefore, what this interesting secret component of watermelon can do for us.

L-citrulline, a healthy amino acid

We can find L-citrulline not only in watermelon, but also in chickpeas, meat, garlic, nuts or dark chocolate.

  • As you can see, it can already be deduced that they are very “energetic” foods and that they not only improve performance, but also take care of health. They contain phytonutrients that have been shown to prevent the appearance of free radicals.
  • As a curiosity, you will like to know that when the amino acids citrulline and arginine are combined, the body can produce a fat-soluble gaseous molecule called nitric oxide. Guess what this gas can do? Reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.

Let’s see together what benefits L-citrulline offers us.

1. It offers us energy

To walk

L-citrulline also has another sensational property: it helps us reduce lactic acid and ammonia in muscle tissues.

  • Something so essential almost instantly favors the recovery of the muscles: we notice less tension, less cramps and less fatigue.
  • We recover energy and, almost instantly, physical performance is improved.

2. Produces adequate metabolic changes

Many athletes choose to consume food supplements based on L-citrulline for a certain period. It is worth clarifying that long-term use of these supplements can be counterproductive.

  • Thanks to it, metabolic reactions are produced to be able to synthesize aerobic energy and thus be able to delay the feeling of fatigue. However, the evidence shows disagreements in this regard.
  • Now, it is clear that most of us are not athletes and we do not compete. Therefore, it will not be necessary for us to take this supplement in isolation.

It is best to take advantage of the L-citrulline in watermelon and in combination with the rest of the vitamins and minerals.

3. Prevents the accumulation of waste substances

Watermelon salad

The consumption of watermelon will help us regain strength and endurance in the muscles, while avoiding the accumulation of waste substances in the body.

These can manifest themselves, for example, in the appearance of stiffness, cramps or the classic accumulation of fluids.

4. Improves erectile dysfunction

Finally, and as a data of interest, it should be said that watermelon and its powerful contribution of the amino acid L-citrulline is very positive in cases of mild erectile dysfunction.

  • It achieves this thanks to its property to promote vasodilation through nitric oxide and endothelial function.
  • By improving blood circulation naturally you can mediate such cases of mild erectile dysfunction.

All this reminds us once again that, instead of resorting to drugs, it will always be better to start by improving our lifestyle and eating habits.

If the problem is constant, it is best to consult with the specialist .

Citrulline, a beneficial substance

To finish, as we have been able to deduce, watermelon is much more than that refreshing summer food.

We are facing a medicinal, healthy and energetic fruit. Combine it properly and make the most of it when the season arrives. Remember that if you exercise regularly you can benefit even more from consuming this food. Combine it with beets for the best results.

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