The Simplest Details Show Us What A Person Is Really Like

The simplest details make the difference and speak volumes about being human. However, it is curious how people usually judge others based on what they do, what they say or how they react to certain situations.

Someone’s personality is not perceived only through their words. Nor in what he does or what he stops doing at a given moment.

All these behaviors can be perfectly calculated for a specific purpose. However, to really know someone, pay attention to the details, the smallest things.

Each of us is much more than meets the eye.  We are our gestures, we are a delicate symphony of many few that make a wonderful whole.  It is there where the authentic fabric of our being and our personality is.

We suggest you reflect on it. Next, we explain what is in the simplest details of our day to day life and how they are built.

Those few who say a lot about someone

We are sure that the following will have happened to you on more than one occasion. They introduce you to a person and there is something that, instinctively, you do not like.

Despite the fact that his attitude is correct, that he is friendly and that his behavior shows courtesy, it makes you uncomfortable. They are, so to speak, “those few who say a lot”.

  • A smile that denotes a certain falsehood.
  • The tone of voice, not very friendly.
  • The look, far from connecting, avoids us.


These would undoubtedly be some small details. Anyway there’s something else. Experts tell us about the sixth sense. Far from seeing this dimension as something supernatural, one must begin to understand it for what it really is.

People store our experience, feelings and interpretations in our unconscious.

This unconscious is like a source of information that allows us to make a decision quickly when we need it.

Francis P. Cholle, author of the book “The Compass of Intuition”, explains that human beings are the only animal with intuition and reason, and we must use both. “We can’t make the best decisions if we don’t use some of our intuition,” says Cholle.

In the suggested example, our sixth sense tells us to distrust for various reasons. Because throughout our past those simpler details that define that person have brought us little positive experiences.

Details that are done without expecting anything in return

When we talk about details, we are not referring to gifts. Most of us know that what we like the most are not the great presents but the small details, those that enrich our hearts so much.

We like them because they are inhabited by respect, the most sincere affection, recognition. Furthermore, another reality that we also know is the fact that many people, when they do something for us, expect to be compensated.

It is not the right thing to do. People need reciprocity, of course, but not an express obligation to “if you give me this, I have to give you that .

The true nobility of heart is in those who have everyday details without expecting anything in return.

The couple who take care of themselves, who want the best for each other, who have beautiful details because they feel it, because they want it and need it. That is undoubtedly the most beautiful thing.

decorated stones

The simplest details are what hide happiness

Our journey in search of happiness seems to never end. We read books, we take courses, we sign up for personal growth classes in search of a goal: to be happier.

Now, instead of forcing its appearance and dreaming every day of feeling a little better, it is necessary to see things from a simpler, more humble point of view.

Life shouldn’t be that complicated

Deep down in our being we know very well that to be happy you don’t need so much. A job that allows us to live with dignity, good friends, a family that loves us and whom we love.

However, why do things get so complicated sometimes?

  • Because it is difficult for us to establish priorities. We forget to put into practice essential aspects such as self-love and respect. Vital details that, if you don’t offer it to yourself, will never allow you to be happy.
  • Learn to undo the knots that complicate your life. Opt for the simplest details that enrich your existence.
  • To those who do not bring you joys, give them your absence. Be wary of those who do not understand the value of good details.
  • A complicated life is one that fills your mind with worries and makes you forget what is essential in your eyes, such as the company of people who love you and who you really love.

Financial and personal planning advisor Michael F. Kay believes that many times we want to do things our way rather than the simple way. That complicates things. Kay suggests looking at things from different perspectives to find out which is simpler and more effective.

Look at everything that surrounds you from your heart, always listening to your sixth sense, to your intuition.

Only then will you realize who brings you selfishness or who really cares about giving you the best, offering you those details where respect, the most sincere love hides.

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