Why You Shouldn’t Skip Breakfast

Did you know that skipping breakfast, far from making you lose weight, can even make you gain more? You will also be more tired and it will be more difficult to concentrate

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you should not skip it under any circumstances. And it is that, although it may not seem like it, skipping this food can have dire consequences for health.

You just need to take a look at the reasons below to quickly realize it.

Eating breakfast will help you control your weight


Skipping a meal is not synonymous with being slimmer, quite the opposite.

And is that if you skip breakfast you will feel very hungry at lunchtime and you will end up exceeding your calorie intake, something that will not happen if you have had breakfast previously.

Breakfast helps fight cardiovascular problems

Something as simple as not skipping breakfast can help reduce the risk of having a heart attack.

According to research conducted by the Harvard University School of Public Health (United States), people who do not eat breakfast are 27% more likely to have a heart attack.

  • Skipping this meal leads to the development of diseases such as obesity, high cholesterol, and diabetes, which is ultimately linked to heart problems as well.

Breakfast should always be one of the three minimum meals a day

To maintain the balance of our body, we must eat at least three meals a day.

It is advisable that breakfast contributes 20% of the caloric intake of the day. Dinner, meanwhile, should be light and low in fat.

  • A good breakfast should include a dairy, cereals or bread, fruit and some more protein food, such as a low-fat sausage, that is, cold cuts of chicken or turkey, for example.

Skipping breakfast can lead to constipation


Skipping breakfast can also be related, although it may not seem like it, to constipation.

The first meal of the day is key to starting our body, as well as our intestinal transit. For this, it is recommended to include foods rich in fiber, vitamins and water, such as fruits.

And, in addition to promoting constipation and increasing the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart attacks, starting the day with nothing in the stomach is related to:

  • Decreased ability to concentrate and intellectual performance
  • Worst mood
  • Feeling tired.

If you do not eat breakfast you will be more prone to gastritis

When you skip the first meal of the day, the gastric juices of the stomach do not perceive food and begin to release acids. Thus, the stomach lining becomes inflamed and gastritis begins.

If you don’t want to end up with stomach problems, better eat breakfast properly.

You will be more tired


Skipping breakfast will cause you to feel more tired during the day, since you will not provide your body with the energy it needs to face the day.

Likewise, the fact that the first meal is rich in fiber and low in carbohydrates will also help you to stay active.

To get the most out of your breakfast, try to fit these parameters.

Your body can go into a so-called metabolic lethargy

Your body needs food for your metabolism to work.

  • Otherwise, the body goes into a state of lethargy, whereby you enter what could be called “saving mode.”
  • Thus, the body expends the minimum of energy and the burning of calories  in your daily activities is reduced.
  • Your metabolism will slow down and this can lead to weight gain.

On the contrary, if you eat a healthy breakfast, you will increase the production of leptin, a hormone that reduces appetite and helps your stomach feel more satisfied.

Consider that it is better to eat breakfast so that your body can hold it and you do not end up bingeing.

You will lose metabolic balance

Eating breakfast in the morning helps you maintain a correct metabolic balance. In the same way, thanks to breakfast you will also maintain good blood sugar levels.

For this reason, the efficiency of the body is increased when it comes to reducing the risk of suffering from diseases, such as type II diabetes or gastritis, as we anticipated.

Harder to stay focused

Trouble concentrating

With hunger it is impossible to stay focused.

In addition, if you are in exam time, skipping a meal as necessary and essential as breakfast will cause attention problems, you will feel fatigued and without energy.

Better opt for a healthy and balanced breakfast that will not make you gain weight, but it will provide you with the necessary nutrients to start the day with energy and desire. You will notice it.

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