6 Tips To Deal With Bullying

Unfortunately, harassment, currently known as bullying, is something that has always existed. Although only recently has it been given the importance it deserves. For a long time it has been seen as something natural and not as the serious problem that it is.

Today, it is common to hear about bullying. However, bullying is suffered by people of all ages and is present in all spheres of life. Unfortunately, there are people who are bullied at work, in the family and even in their circle of friends.

What is meant by bullying or harassment

We understand harassment as  any act of continuous abuse that ends up negatively affecting the self-esteem of the abused person.

Thus, abuse, intimidation and continued physical and psychological aggressions by one or more people on another, end up weighing down the personal growth of the latter. We adults usually have the resources to identify when we are being bullied.

Bullying or harassment of children

If the object of bullying is a child, the problem may be even more important. Let’s think that a child doesn’t have a personality yet. And, therefore, he does not have a defined criterion that helps him put the people who are causing him harm in their place.

Hence, at the slightest suspicion that your child may be being bullied, something must be done about it. Bullying is not a game. Many lives have been lost because of this social scourge.

In the most serious cases of bullying, children are abused to the point that they are induced to depression, a disorder that could even lead to suicide. And it is that the defenseless situation in which the stalker places his victim, leads her to think about suicide as the only possible solution.

Therefore, we put at your disposal some advice on what you should do if necessary.

1. Do not threaten the people who are causing the abuse

Nobody likes to be mistreated. However, we must be especially careful when the abusers are children. Think that even holding a minor to account could bring you even more problems.

Hence our advice not to use this method. Instead, try to talk to them in a friendly way. Better yet, try talking to the abuser’s parents. They may be receptive and succeed in correcting their children’s behavior.

2. Don’t force your child to hit back

In many cases, parents get tired of their child being the target of the abuser’s aggressiveness. And, mistakenly, they incite them to pay with the same currency. Don’t fall for this. Remember that violence only brings more violence.

3. Don’t overprotect your child

It is clear that, as parents, we seek to protect our children from any situation that may cause them harm. But, changing your child from school, neighborhood, city, and even forbidding him to go out, is not the solution to a bullying situation.

It is as counterproductive to incite him to be aggressive as well as passive. Be that as it may, bullying is a problem to be addressed. Hence running away solves nothing.

4. Act immediately

The moment you notice that your child is being teased by other people, take action. The more time that passes, your child will be more and more harmed. Explain that abuse is not normal

And, don’t hesitate to speak to those involved immediately. That is, with the teachers and with the rest of the children and parents. The support of the educational community can be a determining factor in the early resolution of the conflict.

5. Give your child your full support

Father son

In these cases, it is important that you show your child how valuable he is. That he or she has done nothing to deserve such abuse. Parents are often on the sidelines of their children’s experiences. Hence also the importance of building a solid and sincere relationship with your children.

It is crucial that you give him your full confidence. Only then will he tell you about each of the things that happen to him in his daily life. Keep in mind that one of the pernicious effects of bullying is making the victim feel shame.

6. Look for new spaces

The home-to-school and school-to-home routine can help your child struggle with depression. Try to find new spaces that encourage your child to make new friends. Take him to practice some sport or activity that will raise his self-esteem and use it thoroughly. It will help you to heal your mind, release stress and fill yourself with good energy.


We hope these tips help you deal with this problem. Remember that it is not normal for a child to be teased and hit. And that it is easier to redirect this type of abuse situation when you face it from the beginning.

At the slightest suspicion, do not hesitate to go to school. Talk to the teachers and the counselor there. They have the obligation to intervene with the relatives of those involved. Also, try to give your child a lot of love. And, for nothing in the world, teach him to be aggressive with people who abuse him. The violence could escalate and further aggravate the situation.

It is also important to keep in mind that abuse can occur both at school and anywhere else. Hence our exhortation that if you are a victim or know someone who is, in any area, do everything possible to solve this problem. Be active in finding the solution. Nobody, absolutely nobody, can be subjected to any kind of abuse. Let’s say it very clearly and loudly: No to harassment.

And remember to go to a mental health specialist as soon as possible if you consider that the child may be suffering psychological consequences from the bullying.

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