What Is A Doula And How Does It Help Pregnant Women?

A doula is a professional trained to guide, accompany and support you (emotionally and physically) during the pregnancy process and the arrival of your baby. Learn more about this valuable figure below.

A doula is a professional trained to provide educational, emotional, and physical support during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. In short, a figure that can play a very important role in the arrival of your baby into the world.

Did you imagine this situation? Childbirth can be a rewarding experience if you want it.

Unlike a midwife, doulas do not have any clinical responsibilities during childbirth. However, they are well informed of the clinical processes in order to answer any questions you may have during the different cycles of pregnancy.

A doula should convey empathy, affection, and be closely related to you. In this way, you will feel really accompanied in each stage to live, from the magic of pregnancy to childbirth, postpartum and parenting.

Who better than a woman to understand you at this stage of your life? A doula is someone you can fully trust. He will see you undress, he will even hear your screams from the pains of the contractions. Therefore, it is essential that there is a link established beforehand.

Choose the ideal doula for you

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One option is to interview several candidates until you find the one with whom you feel the most affinity during and after pregnancy. You can start the search for your companion from week 20.  The important thing is that you know your doula well and feel comfortable with her.

Once you’ve met and bonded with her, you can take advantage of the time leading up to the delivery to talk with her about preparing for your baby’s arrival. Also, to receive all the information you need about the child’s first care.

Something that you should take into account when choosing a doula is that she lives close to your home. Thus, by the time of delivery, it will be easier for her. Also, you can raise the possibility of living with you during pregnancy so that you have their attention at any time of the day.

Benefits of having a doula during pregnancy

Pregnancy increases the intelligence of women

Typically, doulas work begins a few weeks before giving birth. During this period, she will clarify all your doubts regarding the birth and will help you develop a birth plan.

Doulas are responsible for listening to your fears and desires regarding childbirth. They can guide you in making decisions regarding the birth of your baby. If you want to give birth at home or in the hospital, whether or not you want to use medications in the delivery.

During the pregnancy stage, doulas mentally prepare you for childbirth. The one you choose will talk with you about your fears and help you follow your instincts as a mother. Also, they are trained to give massages that reduce stress and relieve pregnancy pain.

According to a study by physicians John Kennell and Marshal Klaus, constant massage during pregnancy helps the pituitary gland secrete natural oxytocin into the bloodstream. This creates a feeling of well-being, drowsiness and a lower pain threshold.

Accompaniment during the first weeks of the newborn

And if the baby gets VHP, a doula

Postpartum can be a complex time for a new mother. This moment is crucial to establish a successful breastfeeding, to know the rhythms and times of the baby. Knowing this, the doula usually extends her work until about 15 to 20 days after the birth of the child.

There are doulas who specialize in providing support in the first weeks of a baby’s life. They provide important information about newborn feeding and care.

Also, they can give you physical support in cleaning the home, cooking and giving you a hand in whatever you need. Also, being experts in this stage, they will help you to a faster postpartum recovery.

What about the role of the husband?


Men play a very active role during pregnancy, childbirth, and raising the baby. However, when it comes to a new partner, expectant parents can become very anxious.

It is important to note that doulas will never replace your husband.  The one you choose  will be there to support you as a couple during and after pregnancy. And it is that parents usually have many doubts during the pregnancy process. In addition, the doula can teach relaxation techniques to relieve pressure.

Find out: Physical activity in pregnancy: recommended exercises.

Now that you know what a doula is and how it can help you in the wonderful process of bringing your child into the world, decide what makes you happy and find a good doula.

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