Night Facial Cream To Remove Skin Blemishes

The spots on the skin usually appear due to age, hormonal issues or exposure to the sun. They give us an aged and dull appearance that is hard to put down.

However, there are face creams that contain ingredients with excellent properties to lighten the skin and gradually prevent and eliminate blemishes.

Discover in this article a simple recipe to prepare your own night facial cream to restore radiance and vitality to your face.

Why do skin blemishes appear?

Skin blemishes

Stains can appear for different reasons:

  • Prolonged exposure to the sun, especially without protective lotion and in the hours of more radiation.
  • Hormonal changes and disorders. Women are very vulnerable to the appearance of spots during pregnancy.
  • Nutritional deficiencies, such as iron, calcium, or vitamins A, B, or E.
  • Liver disorders.
  • Use of photosensitizing products.
  • Use of some medications, as many women do with the contraceptive pill.
  • Genetic issues.

However, the origin of many types of stains is still unknown today.

Hyperpigmentation or depigmentation?

anti-aging cream for skin blemishes

There are spots darker than the skin tone and others lighter, rather whitish.

In this article we present a very effective cream for the first ones, those that are dark, since the natural ingredients that it includes have the property of lightening the skin in a smooth and progressive way, in addition to giving luminosity to the face. 

It is intended for the skin, but can also be used on the rest of the body.

Finally, it is a very nutritious cream so that we can use it at night and, incidentally, help us to deeply hydrate the skin and prevent wrinkles. We must avoid applying it during the day as some ingredients could be photosensitizing to sunlight.

What ingredients do we need?

Below we detail the ingredients that we will need for our night facial cream for skin blemishes:

Cocoa butter

Thanks to its incredible antioxidant properties, this ingredient is used in many homemade cosmetic products. It is rich in vitamins and minerals and in this cream it will allow us to enhance the hydrating and soothing virtues.

The use of cocoa butter gives elasticity to the skin and prevents wrinkles because it is a great moisturizer.

Wheat germ oil

It is not one of the best known vegetable oils and yet it is very suitable for the skin.

It is rich in antioxidants, essential fatty acids and vitamin E, which makes it a great ally to combat premature aging of the dermis. In addition, this ingredient helps us to reduce the spots caused by a lack of pigmentation in the skin.

Lemon essential oil

Oil and lemon treatment for skin blemishes

Lemon essential oil is one of the most beneficial ingredients for preventing skin blemishes, thanks to its lightening properties.

In addition, it regulates the production of sebum, gives luminosity and improves the production of collagen, thanks to its vitamin C content.

Evening primrose oil

Evening primrose oil is ideal for improving the health and appearance of the skin both internally and externally. Soothes, hydrates and repairs skin imperfections, in addition to giving it a smooth, smooth and even appearance.

Evening primrose oil helps us to produce new cells in the skin, and it is an anti-inflammatory that reduces redness thanks to its essential fatty acids.

Apple vinager

Apple-vinegar-hair for skin blemishes

Apple cider vinegar is the great skin balancing agent that has been used since ancient times as a beauty remedy. Regulates the pH, gives luminosity and eliminates or softens skin blemishes.

How do we make the cream for skin blemishes?


  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa butter (45 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of wheat germ oil (48 g)
  • 15 drops of evening primrose oil.
  • 15 drops of lemon essential oil.
  • 5 drops of apple cider vinegar.

What steps do we follow?

  • We will put the cocoa butter in a bain-marie or microwave so that it melts.
  • We will add the wheat germ oil and the evening primrose oil and mix well.
  • Once the mixture is warm, we will add the lemon essential oil and vinegar.
  • We will mix well and put the preparation in a dark glass bottle that we will keep in the fridge.

To obtain good results, we will use this facial cream every night and, once a week, we can exfoliate before applying it.

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