5 Natural Remedies To Fight Colds

Some people prefer to treat it at home as it has been a very common virus for a long time. There are some therapies that can be beneficial for your treatment. Some natural remedies can also be used to fight colds.

The cold, also known as the common cold, is a viral infection caused by rhinovirus, the most common pathogen in humans. The disease can spread easily, especially through tiny airborne droplets released when a sick person sneezes, coughs, or blows their nose.

Colds can occur at any time of the year, but are more common in winter or rainy seasons. Due to its symptoms, it is common for people to mistake it for the flu. The difference is that the flu affects various parts of the body while the cold is usually limited to the respiratory tract.

Today, thanks to several studies carried out by professionals on the qualities of some natural ingredients, there are treatments that can help treat cold symptoms. Always, after having consulted with the specialist, benefits can be obtained thanks to these.

Raw garlic with lemon

Despite the fact that this natural remedy has been used to treat cold symptoms thanks to the knowledge of popular wisdom, there are some studies that support the use of garlic thanks to its positive effect in the process of normalization of lipid values , in the moderate reduction of blood pressure and in its antiplatelet activity of platelets. This is explained by this research carried out in 2007.

To take this natural remedy it is advisable to consult a doctor first. Be sure if it can be an alternative or a support for some other treatment that is prescribed in advance. It is important not to take these natural remedies as absolute substitutes for any medical treatment.


  • 1 clove garlic.
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (10 ml).

How to prepare it?

  • Simple: first, the garlic clove must be crushed into a paste.
  • Second step: mix with the lemon juice until it is homogeneous.
  • It is a good option to consume the mixture immediately at the first symptoms.
  • It is recommended to consume it twice a day. However, the doctor should be consulted.

Lemon and honey

Natural lemon and honey syrup is one of the most popular remedies for sore throats, coughs, and other cold-related ailments. This information from the Mayo Clinic explains that drinking warm tea or lemonade with honey is a time-honored way to relieve a sore throat, but that honey alone could also be an effective cough suppressant.


  • 1 fresh lemon
  • 2 large tablespoons of honey (50 grams).

How to prepare it?

  • Very simple, you just have to squeeze the lemon juice and mix it with the two tablespoons of honey.
  • Its consumption is recommended on its own or diluted in half a cup of hot water.
  • It can be consumed twice a day, depending on what the patient needs according to his symptoms to feel relief.

    Onion and honey

    Another natural remedy that is very common thanks to the knowledge of popular wisdom. It has been used against this condition for several years and consists of combining the antibiotic properties of onion with those contained in honey.

    Like any other natural alternative that you want to use, it is important to be able to consult with your GP beforehand and make sure that it can serve as a support for any other treatment that has been prescribed. It should be insisted on not making use of these remedies as the only ones when symptoms of a cold occur.

    Both ingredients are believed to help strengthen the body’s defenses to fight viruses that attack the respiratory system. However, there are no studies that speak of the combination of both ingredients to use them as a natural remedy. That is, it is also due to the knowledge of popular wisdom.


    • 2 onions.
    • ½ cup of honey (80 g).

    How to prepare it?

    • The onions should be minced and then mashed into a paste.
    • Then take them to a jar and add half a cup of honey.
    • It is recommended to let them marinate for 12 or 24 hours.
    • It can be consumed every 6 or 8 hours.
    • There is the possibility of diluting the mixture in a little warm water.
    • Again, remember to consult a doctor before doing so.

    Inhalation of eucalyptus as a remedy against colds

    The decoction of eucalyptus gives off a vapor with a decongestant effect that is able to provide relief to the respiratory tract. On this, this study carried out in 2015 explains that the eucalyptus leaf can be used to relieve coughs associated with colds.

    They highlight that crushed eucalyptus leaf preparations are recommended for adults and children over 12 years of age, while tinctures should be used only by adults due to their high content of ethanol (pure alcohol).


    • 2 liters of water.
    • 4 tablespoons of dried eucalyptus leaves (40 g).

    How to prepare it?

    • Boil the two liters of water together with the chopped eucalyptus leaves.
    • When the infusion is ready, after about 20 minutes, remove and cover the head with a towel.
    • The steam that comes out of the pot should be breathed deeply, taking care not to burn yourself.
    • It is advisable to do it for 10 minutes.
    • It can be repeated if necessary.

    Salt water gargle

    They say that salt has an antiviral action that promotes the elimination of germs and the cure of colds. However, the use of this natural remedy comes from the knowledge of popular wisdom and to date no study has been published on its use at the medicinal level.


    • ½ teaspoon of sea salt (2 g).
    • 1 glass of warm water (200 ml).

    How to prepare them?

    • You just have to dilute the salt in the glass of warm water and gargle for one or two minutes.
    • It is important to avoid ingesting the mixture because it can cause negative effects on the stomach.

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