What Is The Importance And Benefits Of Staying Hydrated?

It is very important to stay hydrated at all times and not only when we are thirsty, since it is already a sign of dehydration. We should drink between a liter and a half and two of water daily

Have you ever wondered why it is important to stay hydrated? If so, then you will be interested in going over some questions about it with us.

As experts indicate, living beings mostly depend on water to live. In fact, the human body is made up of approximately 60% water. This could help us understand the level of importance that water and correct hydration have for the proper functioning of the body.

Each cell that makes up the human body requires water in order to live and complete its functions. Therefore, maintaining an adequate level of hydration is extremely important for each of the most basic functions that people have. By hydration can be understood the action of absorbing liquids by various means, in a continuous and permanent way.

This action seeks to replace the fluids that the body naturally uses up in various types of activities. Although this expense increases when doing exercises or work with high physical impact, we must consider that there are other ways to lose fluids.

How do we lose fluids?

A person is capable of losing fluid just by breathing, even when at rest. The organs are always consuming the fluid found in the tissues. And when this level is low is when people have a feeling of being thirsty.

The consumption of liquids by the organism does not stop, not even when we sleep, therefore, the supply of liquids to replenish the reserves, must be just as continuous.

8 benefits of staying hydrated

Drink much liquid

1. For the brain

One of the benefits of staying hydrated is that it facilitates oxygenation of brain cells and allows the brain to stay active to perform all its actions. Dehydration in the brain can lead to serious health problems.

2. For cells

It is important to maintain an adequate level of hydration in the cells. This is essential for an efficient transport of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, proteins, among other essential nutrients, as well as adequate cellular oxygenation.

In this way, the cells are able to produce the energy necessary for the proper functioning of the entire body. Likewise, with good hydration the elimination of accumulated toxins is facilitated. Thanks to this, an adequate metabolic function is obtained.

3. For the digestive tract

Water is of the utmost importance for the digestion of food to take place. In the same way that occurs in the absorption of nutrients, maintaining an adequate level of hydration facilitates the passage of nutrients to the blood, and then, their distribution in the cells.

On the contrary, when the body is dehydrated, intestinal transit becomes slow. This results in a situation of constipation.

4. For the heart

Drinking fluids is very important for the proper functioning of the heart. Getting a proper balance of water in the body is also essential to keep blood pressure within normal limits.

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5. For the kidneys

Adequate hydration is necessary for the proper functioning of the kidneys, since they have the great task of eliminating waste from the body through urine. Likewise, the kidneys are the ones that control the body’s water level. They are also responsible for stabilizing the levels of sodium, potassium and other electrolytes, with the regulation of urine.

6. For muscles and joints

The water that is the main liquid to be consumed. This has the function of acting as a lubricant in the muscular structure and in the structure of the joints. Therefore, it is essential so that they can carry out their functions properly.

7. For the skin

Drinking water.

Good skin health is also the benefit of staying hydrated. Drinking plenty of water and healthy fluids helps keep body tissues moisturized. In this way, it helps to keep skin cells in perfect condition, in order to preserve the flexibility, smoothness and proper color of the skin.

8. For body temperature

Staying hydrated is essential to effectively regulate body temperature, through heat dissipation. If the body temperature is very high, the body loses fluid. To do this, it uses the processes of perspiration and the evaporation of sweat.

Were you aware of the importance of staying hydrated? Do not forget to consume between a liter and a half and two of water a day to optimize all the functions of the body. Remember that fluid needs may vary depending on your habits and health. Consult your doctor if you have questions.

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