The Best Tricks That Will Help You Perform More In The Gym

If you want to achieve a higher performance, you should take into account some tips that will help your performance be much more effective. Get to know them below.

Now that summer is coming, there are many who start their gym sessions to arrive in their best muscle tone for their appointment with the sun. To be your best, consider the tricks that will help you perform more in the gym that we present below.

Keeping a few keys in mind can help you increase performance. On the other hand, remember to think of training as a moment of relaxation that offers you a respite from the daily hustle and bustle. In addition, it is an effective way to reduce anxiety levels and relieve stress. Go for it!

5 keys to perform more in the gym

To be able to give 100% in your training sessions in the gym, you need to take into account some tips:

1. Start with dynamic stretching

Performing dynamic stretches before training will help you perform better in the gym

Dynamic stretching is a highly recommended component of a warm-up, as a Mayo Clinic publication indicates. With these gentle movements, you gradually increase your body temperature and heart rate, allowing you to begin warming up your muscles and preparing your body for activity.

A dynamic warm-up also helps improve range of motion, so you can use it as a preparation for your next exercises. The exact stretches you should do for your warm-up will depend on the type of workout you want to do.

For example, the aforementioned Mayo Clinic publication advises doing the gestures of the sport or exercise to be performed, but at a lower intensity and without weight.

2. Alternate working muscles

Alternating working muscles helps you perform more in the gym

One of the most important tips to perform in the gym is to alternate when working different muscle groups. Also known as “cross training,” this technique helps you maintain a higher intensity level for longer than you would if you limited yourself to working only one area of ​​the body.

  • So try to move on to upper body exercises as soon as your legs are fatigued from lunges.
  • Once your legs recover, you can pick up where you left off with a series of squats, box jumps, or another form of toning that you deem appropriate to train your lower body.

3. Establish training schedules

In addition to the above, it is essential that you are realistic about the frequency of workouts and their duration. In other words, you shouldn’t establish exercise routines that you can’t stick to.

It is not always necessary to dedicate an hour to training. In fact, 30 minutes of exercise may suffice if you follow a structured physical activity program.

Regarding the frequency, it is ideal to train between 3 and 4 times a week; the minimum weekly physical activity for an adult is 150 moderate minutes or 75 intense minutes, according to the World Health Organization.

We recommend establishing a routine regarding the days and times of your training sessions. Once the sessions are scheduled on the agenda, it will be easier to cope with the laziness and hustle and bustle of reconciling personal and professional life.

4. Music to perform more in the gym

Music is excellent to perform more in the gym

Listening to music when you go to the gym as a resource to improve your training is not exactly a new concept. In fact, it has been shown by a study published by the International Journal of Sports Medicine  that it is possible to maintain a higher training rate thanks to music. This helps people’s movements stay conscious during exercises.

Components of music, from lyrics to tempo, can affect performance. In fact, they are capable of extending training time and intensity, at least in women, according to research published by Perceptual and Motor Skills .

Also, to get another source of motivation and increase your adrenaline, we recommend creating a playlist of your favorite songs ideal for training in the gym.

5. Quality rest

The last of the tricks to perform more in the gym is to have a quality rest. According to a study published by the journal Sleep , to train with more vigor and better results, it is very important that you enjoy a deep, prolonged and interrupted sleep that includes 6 to 8 hours.

If you go to bed late or stay up at night, you will feel tired when you wake up. Consequently, this will affect your energy when carrying out the training.

Therefore, to have a quality rest, we recommend:

  • Do not use electronic devices at night.
  • Not to drink alcohol.
  • Avoid caffeine for a few hours before going to bed.
  • Set wake and sleep times to the natural cycle of the sun.

Change your habits to perform more in the gym

When you are able to perceive specific physical and psychological changes, training efforts are easier to accept. To do this, we recommend you carry out the tricks that will help you perform more in the gym that we discussed earlier.

Last but not least, remember that motivation comes from multiple sources, but certainly from getting results!

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