Tigernut, A Superfood With A High Fiber Content

Thanks to its digestive enzymes, tigernut can help us improve the digestion of carbohydrates and prevent fats from accumulating in our body. Thus, it also favors our cardiovascular health

In Spain, tigernut cultivation is one of the most profitable in recent years. This is due to the success of its marketing among consumers in the United States and several countries in Europe.

For some time its consumption has been promoted as part of a healthy diet, but very few know how to distinguish this small tuber with which the famous horchata is prepared.
It comes from the Cyperus esculentus species , a herbaceous plant.

It is believed that it was one of the first foods in the history of mankind. However, what the farmers of antiquity did not imagine is that, what seemed a marginal product, was going to become one of the so-called superfoods in more modern times.

At present, the place where it is most cultivated is in Valencia (Spain), but due to its success in the market it is spreading to other areas of the world.

Why is tigernut consumption becoming popular?

For many, the term tigernut is unknown, simply because its consumption has been promoted for only a few years and in some countries. Horchata, that summer drink, is one of the reasons why little by little many have found out about the existence of this food.

But, without a doubt, the main reasons why it has gained fame is because it has been shown to be an excellent nutritional supplement, rich in essential nutrients and properties that promote health and stability of body weight.

It is a source of:

  • Vitamins C and E.
  • Minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium.
  • Antioxidants
  • Proteins.
  • Starch.
  • Essential amino acids.
  • Digestive enzymes, specifically amylase and lipase.
  • Fiber.
  • Omega 9 unsaturated fats.

What are the benefits of tigernut?


One of the main benefits of this food is due to its contribution of fiber and digestive enzymes, which act in favor of the gastrointestinal system, preventing common disorders such as constipation, inflammation and gas.

Its intake helps regulate the bowel movement and favors the absorption of nutrients while helping to separate waste substances. Related to these benefits for the health of the digestive system, it is also a great ally of the health of the intestinal flora. The reason is that its enzymes (amylase and lipase) act as prebiotics that support the absorption and action of probiotics.

Those same enzymes help us regulate body weight. This favors the digestion of carbohydrates and prevents fats from being stored in the arterial walls and other parts of the body such as the abdomen, thighs and hips. In addition to helping regulate blood lipids, it helps maintain heart health. Thus, it protects the heart and the entire cardiovascular system, thanks to its essential fatty acid content.

On the other hand, it is considered a great complement to strengthen hair, nails and skin. The reason is because it helps eliminate toxins and promotes blood circulation so that proper oxygenation occurs.

Due to its richness in antioxidants, it prevents oxidative damage caused by free radicals. In this way, it also helps to avoid the development of chronic pathologies and premature aging at the same time.

Their nutritional richness also makes them suitable for preventing bone problems. It can also be helpful in preventing immune system complications. Due to its properties, it can also be of help to avoid disorders caused by viruses and bacteria.

Other advantages of tigernut

Other advantages of tigernut

  • It is an excellent natural energizer, free of caffeine.
  • It does not provide phosphoric acid, so it does not decrease calcium in the bones as other drinks do.
  • Consuming tiger nut milk is a healthy option for those who do not tolerate fructose and lactose.
  • It is indicated for any type of diet because it does not contain gluten and is suitable for celiacs.
  • Its flour can be used as a healthy alternative to prepare breads and other recipes. It can also be used as an aesthetic treatment.
  • They can consume it from children to the elderly.
  • It is suitable for diabetics.
  • Helps keep the body hydrated.
  • Thanks to the starch it contains, it helps control diarrhea.
  • It is a great throat disinfectant in cases of wounds or ulcers.

In short, this is a food that has been part of the Mediterranean diet for hundreds of years. Currently it has made its way, revealing itself as a great ally of a healthy diet; as you have seen in this information, beyond being a small tuber . The tigernut is a really complete food that can be included in any type of diet.

Now you know that in addition to eating it in the horchata, it can be used to prepare creams, salads and many recipes, both hot and cold. Give it a try!

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