If Love Squeezes, It’s Not Your Size

Sometimes there are loves that suffocate and others that favor us and like when we  do not succeed with that of the sizes. For this, what do you do if love squeezes? There are times when you take on too many responsibilities in your day-to-day life, you want to get to many things and you realize that your brain, far from being realistic, “wears a very large size.”

However, as we mature, we realize what we can and cannot do, we learn what deserves our attention and what is best left aside. Little by little we are adjusting aspirations more realistically with concrete realities.

Now, when we talk about affective and love issues, we must recognize that it is always very difficult to find the most adjusted, the one that best suits us and favors us. So tell us… What about you? Have you hit the size of your love?

The loves that take our breath away

We cannot deny it: we all like those relationships that take our breath away and make us feel alive, filled with a thousand sensations and illusions.

It must be taken into account that this emotional cluster where fascination, desire and that absolute need to always be by our partner’s side mix is very common in the early stages of falling in love.

After those first months or the first two years that the phase of romantic love usually lasts, we begin to live that mature and daily love where bonds must be renewed.

At this stage, these dimensions should appear:

  • Passion has lost part of its intensity and, despite the fact that desire is still alive, the complicity of the couple is valued above all.
  • There is a type of camaraderie where everything is agreed, there is dialogue, where there is harmony.
  • A phase begins in which clear objectives are to be established.
  • The commitment already translates into the idea of ​​starting a family, perhaps looking for a new residence.
  • To find an economic stability that allows the couple to make plans for the future.
  • The day to day is lived with harmony, a sense of humor and mutual respect.
  • The dialogue and engagement would be two essential pillars.

What are the loves that take our breath away and “squeeze” us like?

  • If love squeezes and takes our breath away, it hurts us.
  • And, despite being invisible and not leaving us wounds that others can see, emotional pain is the most destructive on a personal level.
  • The one who most vetoes our personal growth as a woman.
  • The love that oppresses is that selfish love that prioritizes itself and that manipulates us.

They are people who victimize themselves, who make us feel guilty when we ask for “air.” When we ask to have our personal spaces or to enjoy our hobbies or social relationships.

Nor can we ignore that, sometimes, the blame is not only focused on the other part of the binomial, but that we also have, sometimes, a part of responsibility.

There are people who build their whole life around the person they love, as if it were a small satellite around a planet.

  • We put family and friends aside, we begin to give up essential things that define us, to invest them in the person we love.
  • We build towards the couple that toxic attachment that clings us until we take our breath away and our own essence.

We should never prioritize other people over our own needs. In time, our self-esteem will be like a puppet string. Never go to this extreme!

If that love squeezes you, it’s not your size … let it go

If love squeezes, it is not at all about changing size, or “losing weight .Never change your way of being, acting, feeling and living  to fit your partner’s personality and fit into their pattern.

  • You have your own size, your way of seeing the world and understanding it.
  • There where you have integrated your values ​​as a woman and as a person who has learned from her mistakes and her triumphs.
  • If the person who shares life with you is vetoing much of your way of being and also cuts the wings of your personal growth, you should seriously reflect on your situation.
  • There are those who are afraid of leaving their partner even knowing that it brings more tears than happiness, for the simple fear of being alone, of not having someone by their side.
  • Make no mistake: sometimes loneliness is healthier than bad company.

Loneliness heals, liberates and helps us get in touch with ourselves.

  • Do not be afraid to leave that dress that oppresses you and takes your breath away. It is normal not to get right sometimes  “with that of affective sizes” .
  • It is difficult to find  the ideal person that fits each of our needs, that fits with our projects, that straps our fears and orients our lives with sincere joys.

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