Raisins: How Can Their Consumption Benefit Us?

Raisins are obtained by dehydrating fresh grapes. They are included in the group of nuts, being one of the most precious foods to cook or eat alone.

They are preferred by children, by those who love sweet and sour food, and by those who enjoy sweets. They have a very soft and meaty texture.

Properties of raisins

There are many properties that are attributed to raisins, among them it is said that:

  • They would reduce the appetite.
  • They would neutralize the acidosis.
  • They would relieve constipation.
  • They would favor bone remineralization.
  • They would contribute to dental care.
  • They are energetic: 299 kcal / 100 g.
  • They would help strengthen the nervous system.

Bowl with raisins for breakfast or snack.

1. Energetic

They contain all the nutrients that grapes offer. They offer a high level of rapidly absorbed carbohydrates (79.18 g / 100 g), for this reason they are usually recommended for children and adolescents because they provide a lot of energy. They are also recommended for athletes   who do a lot of physical effort on a daily basis.

They provide iron, copper and magnesium, so they are good for situations of anemia. They are also recommended for those who need to gain weight.

2. They would strengthen the nervous system

Raisins are considered an invigorating food, which provides minerals and vitamins, especially from group B. They are usually recommended for those who suffer from physical exhaustion, stress or chronic fatigue.

Raisins are suitable for students and the elderly, because they would improve brain functions and prevent memory loss problems due to its content of flavonoids, antioxidants and myricetin. This is evidenced by a study published in Nutrition Research.

3. They would relieve constipation

Eating raisins is one of the typical advice of grandmothers. Its fiber content would help fight constipation ; in fact, it is believed that its moderate daily consumption could be good to keep the gut healthy.

To this day, it has been shown that regular fiber intake is essential to avoid constipation situations. This substance increases the volume of the fecal mass, thus increasing the violence of the peristaltic contractions of the intestine that help it to descend.

4. They would take care of bone health

Glass with raisin water.

 By having a high content of calcium and magnesium, very important nutrients in bone development, they could be allies for the prevention of osteoporosis and for the improvement of joint health.

They are recommended for women during pregnancy or lactation, since these are times when calcium needs are greatest.

5. They would reduce the appetite

Although it is said that raisins are not “allowed” to obese people because of their high calorie content, it is proven that consuming fiber helps to keep you feeling full for longer.

Of course, it is recommended to consume them in moderation and not abuse them, since as we have said, they provide a lot of energy so an abuse could contribute to weight gain. In addition, it would be necessary to consult a doctor because they have a lot of sugar.

6. They would neutralize acidosis

Acidosis is a state in which the pH of the blood decreases, as well as the gases of the respiratory system, a situation that can cause kidney stones, gout, tumors, cancer, arthritis, hair loss or skin diseases.

Raisins have a lot of potassium and magnesium and, as indicated by research on nutrition and its relationship with acidosis, they would serve to neutralize the development of these acids.

7. They would help with dental care

One of the compounds in raisins is oleanolic acid, which plays a fundamental role in protecting teeth against cavities, sensitivity and the fragility of teeth.

For this reason, it is believed that moderate consumption of raisins could help prevent the growth of the main bacteria responsible for cavities and plaque. In addition, as it is a food with a lot of calcium, it would prevent breakage or damage to the enamel of the teeth.

Granola with raisins.

How to consume raisins?

Raisins are more than delicious and can be consumed alone or in different desserts and sweet and sour preparations. Some of the most outstanding recipes to enjoy raisins are the following:

  • Coconut and raisin ice cream.
  • Roasted apples with raisins.
  • Rice with orange and raisins.
  • Noodles with walnuts and raisins.
  • Swiss chard with raisins and potatoes.
  • Pork tenderloin with raisins and pine nuts.
  • Raisin bread pudding with chocolate chips.

Include raisins in your diet!

Now that you know the health properties of raisins, you have no excuses to avoid them. Add raisins to your meals or as a healthy snack throughout the day, always in moderate amounts.

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