5 Effective Exercises To Relieve Carpal Tunnel Pain

Did you know that both stretching and applying heat to the area can help reduce discomfort caused by carpal tunnel pain? Discover other exercises that help.

Carpal tunnel pain can have different causes. However, a continuous movement with the wrist can cause this annoying inflammation, as happens when we use the computer mouse too much.

According to trusted sources like the American Family Physician medical journal , treatment for carpal tunnel can include splints, corticosteroids, physical therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, and yoga. However, the choice between one option or another will depend on the medical diagnosis.

Therefore, although we can support ourselves with some exercises that favor your recovery, it is important to go to the doctor and follow his recommendations. We cannot ignore that, depending on the case, we may need other therapeutic options. Let’s look at 5 effective exercises.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Pain?

According to the Mayo Clinic, the origin of carpal tunnel pain is usually, in most cases, the result of the sum of several factors:

  • Obesity.
  • Alterations in the balance of body fluids.
  • Tension or stiffness in the joints and tendons.
  • Tendency to suffer inflammation due to genetics, injuries, etc.
  • Repetitive and continuous movements or positions with the hand and wrist.  For example, when working with a specific device, when playing a musical instrument, when using the computer mouse or when using the mobile phone.

Exercises for carpal tunnel pain

According to experts from the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), when faced with carpal tunnel pain, your doctor may suggest an exercise program. This is because they help reduce pressure on the median nerve in the wrist.

Now, the Mayo Clinic points out that, by themselves, these exercises can do little or nothing against pain. For this reason, they are often advised to complement other therapeutic measures such as behavioral changes, medications, or wrist splints.

1. Stretching before, during and after

If we know that, in our case, we owe carpal tunnel pain to the same position or movement of the hand, we must perform the appropriate stretches every day. We will do them throughout the day, if possible before, during and after using the dolls.

The most important stretch is to put your arm forward, horizontal, and raise your hand perpendicular. The gesture is as if we were telling someone to stop. We will notice discomfort and tightness in the hand and wrist, which will indicate that we are doing them in the correct way.

2. Mobility and warm-up

Second, after stretching the tendons we must do a brief warm-up to combat stiffness. We will achieve this with smooth movements that cover the entire possibility of positions of the hands and wrists.

We will rotate the wrists in circles in both directions for about 1 minute. We must try that the circles are well done since, when we have inflammation, the range of motion is usually shortened at some point.

3. Heat massages

When we have acute inflammation from a contusion, for example, we can apply cold to relieve it. However, when inflammation is chronic, the application of heat may be helpful. In this way, we can alleviate carpal tunnel pain.

A very pleasant way to warm up the area is through a massage or self-massage on the wrists that we can do in the morning and at night. We can also apply compresses. We recommend using olive or sesame oil and, if we wish, adding a few drops of ginger or cinnamon essential oil.

4. Baths of contrasts

Hot and cold contrast baths are another way to provide temperature, since they serve to activate blood circulation. This technique, which has been performed since ancient times in different ways, is used to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

How to make contrast baths?

  • Two containers are used, one of them with cold water and the other with hot water.
  • Immerse hands and wrists, even up to the elbow if desired, 30 seconds in hot water and 15 seconds in cold water.
  • Perform for at least 3 minutes and repeat throughout the day.
  • Reduce repetitions as pain subsides.

5. Pressure balls

One of the most common exercises that physical therapists include in their rehab routines are pressure balls. The action of squeezing a simple rubber or foam ball with the hands helps to exercise the muscles and tendons that pass through the carpal tunnel.

As we regain strength and mobility in the injured area, we can use harder balls. This also exercises the muscles of the fingers and combats the characteristic stiffness that accompanies carpal tunnel pain.

Exercises are an adjunctive treatment

We can use simple exercises to help relieve carpal tunnel pain. However, we must bear in mind that they are not enough for his rehabilitation. Therefore, we must consult the doctor to receive a more complete treatment.

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