Clean And Strengthen Your Bronchial Tubes With Medicinal Herbs?

There are several factors that can deteriorate the health of the bronchi. Constant exposure to polluted environments, cigarette toxins and respiratory infections are a minor part. Do you know how you could avoid them and help strengthen your bronchial tubes naturally?

In the case of symptoms of serious diseases, it is essential to go to the doctor to prescribe an appropriate treatment. In this article we will talk about some herbal medicinal preparations whose properties are believed to help reduce mucus accumulation, irritation and other symptoms.

Importance of bronchial health

The bronchi, once they reach the lungs, expand within them. In this way, they  later branch into the so-called lobar bronchi until they reach the smallest, the bronchioles.

Thanks to its function, all people obtain air and oxygen, thus configuring good respiratory health, capable of providing the necessary resistance to carry out daily activities.

However, sometimes their functions are altered, since they are affected by mucus, inflammation or some infections and allergies. This triggers a series of symptoms that can reduce the quality of life if they are not treated.

Therefore, even if they seem minor problems, it is essential to be attentive to any respiratory discomfort. In the same way, it is convenient that you know how to strengthen your bronchi, even when they seem to be in good condition.

Medicinal herbs that could strengthen the bronchial tubes

There are several habits and treatments that can help you strengthen your bronchial tubes to prevent respiratory problems. However, this time we want to focus on the properties of some herbal remedies.


Ginger infusion

Ginger is a root to which many medicinal properties are attributed. But … did you know how much ginger can do for your lungs? Thanks to a compound called gingerol, it is perfect to strengthen your bronchial tubes. 

According to a study, ginger could help relax the muscles of the respiratory tract and could be a good supplement for the treatment of respiratory diseases such as asthma.


Have you already tried the thyme infusion? It is delicious and digestive. But it is also a resource that could have positive effects on lung and bronchial health. Its secret lies in an active principle known as thymol.

Thyme is traditionally used to prepare herbal remedies that possess expectorant, mucolytic, antitussive, and antispasmodic properties. Additionally, data from one study showed significant anti-inflammatory properties.


rosemary to strengthen your bronchi

Rosemary is an herb that is credited with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimicrobial properties that can support the treatment of respiratory diseases. It can be used both internally and externally. Its essential oils could help clear the bronchial tubes and promote the expulsion of mucus.

In case of flu, colds or irritation due to allergies, you can consume two cups of infusion a day.


It is not well known, but it could also have beneficial properties. It is believed that this plant could help  relieve coughs and clear the bronchial tubes to improve breathing. 

Its consumption is recommended in two forms: sachets ready for infusion, or capsules sold in health food stores. In case of opting for the last option, the recommended dose is about 200 mg twice a day.

Do you feel irritated bronchial tubes and find it difficult to breathe normally? These remedies with the mentioned plants can support medical treatment. If your problem is chronic or tends to get worse, visit your doctor. Also ask for their authorization if you are taking medication.

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