How To Act When In Doubt

When in doubt, deciding can be a difficult process. There are factors that can help us be more effective when deciding. Rationality, time to think and commitment are some of these

Making decisions is not an easy task. Many times we do not know how to continue, which way to go or what the consequences of our choices will be. Therefore, in the following article we will give you some advice on how to act when we have doubts. Don’t forget that we all go through similar situations. What sets us apart is the attitude we take.

Decide when we have doubts

Although we are not aware of it, we are constantly making decisions, some even unconsciously. Others consume energy, time and effort. Also, there are those that we put off out of fear, shame, or lack of commitment. When we have doubts, it is difficult to decide. The truth is that no one else can do it for us.

We must take charge of our actions and our decisions. Perhaps we are one of those who need to analyze, compare, consider pros and cons; But this process takes hours, days, weeks, or even months. Maybe we put off a decision because we don’t feel like it or because we are afraid of the consequences.

Many times we hope that the situation is ideal, that something external “enlightens us” or that someone else decides for us. But if there is something that is necessary, it is to take some time to clear doubts and put our fears aside.

What’s the worst that can happen? Arguably not making decisions. Because if we decide something and make mistakes we can learn from our mistakes, but if we don’t do what is in our power today, in the future we will no longer be able to do it.

Tips to act when we have doubts

First of all, it is essential to understand why we put off making a decision. It may be because we are afraid of being wrong, that other people will judge us, that the decision involves changing a habit or ingrained thought, that we need to think too much or because we believe that we have more important things to do.

To make the decision process more enjoyable and you can act when in doubt, we present 5 tips that will be useful to you:

1. Rate

Is the decision we must make up to us? Is it 100% our responsibility?   If we answer yes to both questions, there is nothing more to say, it is time to take action. The degree of commitment to a decision helps in the process, especially if the consequences were to have a direct impact on us. In this case, it will be easier for us to act.

2. Accept

Decisions are part of our daily life. No one is exempt from them. Therefore, it is important to accept that we will not always have the solution at our disposal. It is normal to have doubts and think a lot before deciding something, especially if this can cause a radical change in our day to day life. But before this, we must put the chest and continue.

It is important to ask ourselves: What is the worst thing that could happen when you decide something “wrong”?   Likewise, it is necessary to identify why we are so afraid to decide. Perhaps when we were children our parents did not approve of our actions or made us believe that we were not capable of doing things for ourselves.

3. List


When we have doubts, we can make a list where the advantages are indicated on one side and the disadvantages on the other. Sometimes this helps a lot, since by analyzing which side “weighs more” we can have a more complete vision of the situation and what the consequences of our actions would be.

Everything has a risk, but that is not why we should stop deciding, much less make mistakes. Also, remember that not making decisions is often riskier than doing so.

4. Reason

Emotions can play tricks on us, since they are not rational. What you feel may help you on certain occasions, but when it comes to something extremely important, better let reason act. Of course, this is not easy at all because we are sentient beings.

Remember the phrase that says: “Do not make decisions when you are depressed or sad.” Better find that time of day when you can take advantage of your rational abilities. Choose a quiet place, think carefully and for a moment put aside what your heart says.

5. Change

The dissatisfied with you

If you’ve always done similar things and they haven’t worked for you, it’s time to change it! Perhaps what you need is to see everything from a different perspective or for once in your life not to let yourself be guided by fears and to take the first step towards the decision. It doesn’t matter if it’s the right one or not, you have time to improve. This will save you from feeling frustrated, indecisive, discouraged, and insecure.

6. Have courage

Take action. Use that force that is hidden behind fear. Live the consequences of your actions, no matter what you decide. If you trust yourself, nothing can go wrong. Give yourself the opportunity to live by the decision you have made. Do not blame yourself, do not punish yourself, do not get depressed, if something does not turn out as you expected. You can always make amends, but never go back in time if you haven’t taken action.

Many people focus on what they could lose when making a decision. But what if we think about everything that we will win?

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