Medicinal Plants For Bone Health

Women are the most affected by decalcification of the bones. This is mainly due to hormonal changes, since estrogens are important regulators of bone metabolism. Therefore, it is important to know how to take care of the health of the bones already from youth.

A proper diet and some medicinal plants could help you achieve this goal. We tell you all about it in this article.

Medicinal plants for bone health

Natural medicine is a fairly recurring resource today. It is believed that she could contribute to maintaining good bone health from an early age, if we are constant in our care. There are numerous medicinal plants to which all kinds of properties are attributed that could contribute to improving bone pain, inflammation, wear …

From our space, we share with you the medicinal plants most used to take care of bone health. However, keep in mind that many of them do not have scientific endorsement. Before starting your intake, please consult your trusted doctor.

1. Birch

Birch for the bones

Alternative medicine suggests that taking one to two cups of birch tea a day would help improve bone health. Although we have not found scientific studies supporting such use, Ayurveda specialists maintain that it would be suitable for treating arthritis, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, fibrositis … and even fibromyalgia.

This is due to the fact that among its active principles its content in flavonoids stands out, substances that different investigations indicate as anti-inflammatory. More studies would be necessary to corroborate these results.

2. Horsetail

Horse tail

Its scientific name is  Symphytum officinalis and it is traditionally used to relieve the symptoms of knee pain due to wear and tear, as well as in case of trauma. This is because it contains allantoin, a substance that would have a healing and re-epithelializing effect. In addition, it has mucilages that would act as anti-inflammatories. Studies on its efficacy are inconclusive.

4. Dandelion

Throughout history, it has been known as digestive, protective, and rich in vitamins and minerals.   All are properties suitable for taking care of our bones and our health in general.

On the other hand, it exhibits an anti-inflammatory action that would make it an interesting option to relieve mild inflammation, as well as the symptoms of rheumatism, osteoarthritis and arthritis.

5. The Nettle


Nettles would be recommended to obtain a vitamin and mineral supplement for our bones, since it has iron, silica, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium.

It also contains flavonoids, which, as we have already mentioned, are antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, and mucilage.

The ideal would be to prepare two infusions of nettles a day, with 5 of their leaves in a cup of boiling water. Let it rest and then accompany it with honey.

Remember: diets that damage your bones

1. Sodium

Be careful with the salt. You should know that the consumption of salt in excess could be harmful not only for the heart system, but also for the bone system: it would weaken it and prevent us from absorbing calcium. We have not found reliable scientific results in this regard.

2. Sugar

Also watch out for sugary snacks. It is a substance that could prevent us from processing calcium that we consume on a regular basis in food. In addition, sugar would also help eliminate phosphorus, which, as you already know, is directly related to neuronal development and the resistance of some bone cells. 

In fact, an investigation from 2018 pointed out that the excessive consumption of sugars could influence the development of osteoporosis. More studies would be necessary.

3. Fizzy drinks

We know, sodas are delicious and very refreshing. But they could affect bone density, again preventing us from properly assimilating calcium, making us more likely to suffer associated diseases.

4. Diets with lots of legumes

Are you passionate about legumes? Try to balance. We must not eliminate them, at all, but we must take care not to consume excessive legumes throughout the day, since in the long term, they could also interfere with our assimilation of calcium. 

The best way to take care of your bone health is by paying attention to your eating habits. Consult with your doctor if you suspect that you may have a bone disease.

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