7 Benefits Of Practicing Dry Brushing Of The Skin Every Day

Many women already practice dry brushing on their skin. This is because they have discovered the many benefits they obtain by dedicating a few minutes each day to this simple method of beauty and health.

Discover in this article the 7 benefits you will get from dry brushing. Although science continues to investigate them today, they could help combat cellulite, stretch marks, poor circulation or fluid retention. Keep reading and discover them.

What is dry brushing?

What is dry brushing

Dry brushing is a very simple technique that consists of rubbing our skin with a natural bristle brush to achieve stimulation of the dermis, while promoting the movement of blood circulation. Some recommendations to achieve a more effective result are:

  • The massage will be carried out in an ascending order, starting with the feet, and always in the direction of the upper part of the body.
  • Dry brushing is done with a medium intensity, but without being annoying or painful.
  • We can do it between 5 and 30 minutes, several times a week. However, it is recommended to start for a few minutes and gradually increase.
  • People with delicate or sensitive skin should do so with great caution, always starting with a few minutes and low pressure.

7 benefits of dry brushing on the skin

Below we detail 7 benefits that the dry brushing system gives us, both to improve the health and beauty of the body.

1. Acts as lymphatic drainage

Dry brushing allows us to make a lymphatic drainage, that is, to help the circulatory system to the natural movement of fluids in the body, as well as the waste substances that accumulate in them. Thus, it helps to eliminate accumulated toxins and retained fluids.

In this way, the appearance of the skin could be improved.  In fact, aesthetic medicine uses lymphatic drainage to treat circulatory problems, excessive cellulite and discomfort caused by edema.

2. Remove liquids with dry brushing

By performing the brushing technique we could also facilitate the elimination of liquids. In this way we will reduce the swelling that occurs in certain parts of the body, such as the legs or the belly, in addition to alleviating joint inflammation.

3. Promotes skin regeneration

How to properly dry brush your skin

This technique is an alternative to exfoliation. In fact, we can combine it with different peeling methods to remove dead skin cells that accumulate on the surface. In addition, it can also help to promote skin regeneration and leave it looking smooth and healthy.

4. Fight cellulite with dry brushing

With this technique you could also fight cellulite, since brushing acts on the skin but with better results. However, to combat cellulite in depth, it is advisable to consult a doctor or a physical trainer to delve into this issue.

5. Prevents stretch marks

Stretch marks are related to a lack of hydration, elasticity and regeneration of the skin. With a good dry brushing carried out often we can facilitate the renewal of skin cells and, therefore, prevent stretch marks.

6. Improves circulation

Improve blood circulation

Another result of this brush massage is to improve circulation, especially by following the appropriate route that we have detailed at the beginning. That is, we will start with the feet and always ascend towards the upper part of the body, towards the heart. Therefore, it would also be a good remedy against varicose veins.

7. Makes the skin soft

On the other hand, dry brushing of the skin would also help to improve the renewal of skin cells. The skin would then feel more delicate, homogeneous and even firm, avoiding the flaccidity of the tissues. In addition, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer after brushing to enhance the effects.

Let’s recap

Dry brushing the skin can be very interesting to treat it not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a health point of view. However, any discomfort or skin alteration should be consulted with a dermatologist to rule out any pathology or injury.

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