Discover The Great Properties Of Sesame Oil

Sesame oil is also known as sesame oil. It is easy to find in any specialized store, and we assure you that it is one of the most beneficial foods that we can add to our dishes.

It has a very special flavor, a smooth texture and contains essential fatty acids such as omega 3 and omega 6, which do so much for our health. How can we resist? Discover with us today all the benefits of sesame oil. You’ll love it!

Sesame oil, a treasure for health

Sesame oil is a treasure for our health and has many benefits.

Although sesame oil is better known in Asia, in recent years it is reaching the rest of the world with a lot of weight. It attracts for its flavor, for its delicate texture and for how well it combines in many of our dishes.

However, if there is something really appreciable about this oil, it is all the properties that it gives us in our day to day life and that, without a doubt, deserve to be known. Do we take note?

1. Benefits for the brain

Sesame oil can help protect our nervous system

Do you know how many natural components this wonderful oil is made from, obtained from sesame or sesame seeds?

  • It has a good supply of vitamin E, in addition to phospholipids and lecithin, which are positive for improving memory and protecting nerve cells. This vitamin is important to prevent brain diseases, as well as being a good antioxidant.

    2. Sesame oil for heart health

    It is one of its greatest benefits. Sesame oil has been used since ancient times in Asian countries to promote blood circulation , reduce cholesterol and prevent fat from adhering to our arteries.

    This is due to two unique substances in sesame: sesamin and sesamolin. It is, as we say, a natural ally for our heart.

    3. A good anti-inflammatory

    Sesame oil is also anti-inflammatory and helps lower cholesterol.

    Sesame oil is suitable, for example, for those who suffer from osteoarthritis or arthritis problems. It also helps to alleviate the carpal tunnel and even the common muscle cramps, including sprains, tendonitis or even an earache.

    Thanks to the copper and the linoleic and oleic fatty acids present in sesame oil, it is possible to reduce the incidence of these inflammatory processes that cause us so much suffering, according to studies.

    To benefit from the properties of sesame oil you can take, for example, two tablespoons a day (4 grams). You can also massage it in the areas that you have inflamed. To do this, popular recipes indicate moistening the area and massaging it for 15 minutes.

    4. Sesame is very rich in calcium

    Sesame oil contains a great supply of calcium.

    Do you suffer from decalcification in the bones? Does your hip hurt very often? Do you feel a lot of pain in a knee when you go up the stairs? Has your doctor perhaps told you that you have weak bones?

    Then you should know that sesame gives you a very adequate level of calcium of vegetable origin, perfect to cover your deficit. However, unfortunately this calcium content is lost when extracting the oil, so it is better to consume the seeds in these cases.

    It is very interesting to know that in the East sesame oil is considered as the “woman’s oil”, because, in theory, it helps reduce the classic pain associated with menstruation and, in addition, it is very healthy in the stage of menopause. The studies cited previously list this use as part of traditional medicine in many cultures.

    5. Natural source of antioxidants

    It is also interesting to know that sesame oil is very rich in antioxidants. As we already mentioned, it provides a great supply of vitamin E, essential to combat premature aging and numerous degenerative diseases.

    6. Sesame oil, an ally for beauty

    Sesame oil contains antioxidants and vitamin E, essential for skin care.

    Did you know? Sesame oil is widely used in the field of natural beauty because it is one of the best sources of antioxidants that exist. This is due to all the reasons that we now describe to you and that are listed in the 2012 study cited in point 5:

    • Sesame oil is perfect for hydrating very dry or damaged skin.
    • It is a natural revitalizer, nourishes and repairs the skin, providing it with multiple vitamins and antioxidants.
    • It firms the skin, reduces stretch marks and even makes the classic spots produced by acne disappear. This is due to the high content of vitamin E.
    • In many countries they use it as a sunscreen because it can filter UV radiation. However, its protection is very low, so we recommend that you use it rather when you get home from the beach. It will help you hydrate the skin and its possible burns, also favoring the tan to look longer.

      As you can see, sesame oil is a natural treasure, which is always worth having on hand. Do not hesitate to include it in your salads and prepare delicious dressings with it for your meals that, without a doubt, will be to the taste of the whole family. Enjoy it!

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