Can We Cure Psoriasis With Natural Remedies?

Improving our diet and avoiding constipation can be very positive when it comes to treating psoriasis, since it helps us avoid the accumulation of toxins

Psoriasis is a disease that affects the skin and causes inflammation, itching, and pain in different parts of the body. Such as:

  • The scalp
  • The back.
  • Arms.
  • Face.
  • The knees.
  • The palms of the hands.
  • On the soles of the feet.

This disorder is related to the immune system and its symptoms can appear and disappear depending on different factors.

According to this study, psoriasis affects 1% to 3% of the world’s population. It also represents 6% in the cases of dermatological consultations.

Here are the keys to reducing psoriasis symptoms naturally.  Psoriasis has no cure but it can be treated.

What factors make psoriasis worse?

There are several factors that can make psoriasis symptoms worse:

  • Unbalanced diet: We can improve it with some tips that we will see in this article.
  • Stress: It is essential to strengthen the nervous system to fight stress naturally. Although we may also have to make a change in our life.
  • Skin dryness: We must hydrate and nourish the skin every day, if possible, with natural products made with plant ingredients.
  • Infections: With a good diet we will also improve our natural defenses to fight any type of infection.
  • Some medications

However, from natural medicine we can act on these factors to improve psoriasis.

Tips to fight psoriasis

Here we propose 8 natural tips as a treatment against psoriasis.

1. Eliminate gluten

gluten intolerance

Even if the person who suffers from psoriasis is not celiac (or thinks he is not), he could suffer some degree of intolerance to gluten.  One of the symptoms of this disorder is skin problems.

  • The best way to check is to eliminate gluten from our diet for a month.

After this time we can assess how we are. Then we can reintroduce this protein into our diet and be attentive to any changes.

2. Beware of dairy

Milk and its derivatives are another type of food that can also cause skin conditions. This happens with people who do not digest lactose well.

  • In fact, many people find that milk doesn’t feel too good for them.
  • This is also an indication that we suffer from psoriasis.

3. Try the green smoothies

green smoothies

Psoriasis is, from the perspective of natural medicine, the consequence of an organism overloaded with toxins. To eliminate them we must enhance the purifying function of the liver, kidneys and intestine.

  • To achieve this in a simple and natural way, we can opt for green smoothies.
  • They are drinks that combine fruits, green leafy vegetables, vegetable drinks and oils, nuts and seeds. 
  • Therefore, despite their green color, their flavor is delicious and they are nutritious and satiating.
  • We can have our green smoothie for breakfast.
  • Therefore, we will not only be able to improve psoriasis, but also any other health problem.

4. Avoid constipation

To combat psoriasis, it is essential that the intestine works correctly.

If we suffer from constipation, the accumulation of toxins that will pass into the bloodstream and, from there, to the skin will be further aggravated. To combat constipation we can resort to some natural foods:

  • Prunes.
  • Figs
  • Flax or chia seeds.
  • Kiwi.
  • Seawater.
  • Kuzu.
  • Dandelion.
  • Acacia honey.

5. Eat moderate portions

eat more

Although it may surprise us, it is just as important to choose the foods that we are going to consume well as the way to eat them.

  • We recommend eating slowly, chewing each food well  and without overfilling.
  • The ideal would be to always stay at 80% of our capacity, satisfied but not heavy.

6. Flax oil

Flax oil is not only beneficial for our intestines, but also for any skin problem.

  • However, it must be oil extracted from the first pressure to be as beneficial as possible.

7. Brewer’s yeast

beer yeast

Brewer’s yeast is an excellent natural supplement that acts as a regulator of the nervous system and also as a blood cleanser. It helps to improve skin problems in a special way.

  • This yeast has the virtue of facilitating the elimination of toxins that accumulate in the skin.

8. Sea water to cure psoriasis

We must drink a lot of water to keep the skin clean and hydrated. Therefore, we can drink sea water suitable for consumption.

  • It  contains a wide variety of minerals and also trace elements that are very beneficial for the skin and for our health in general.
  • We will always take it in small quantities, diluted with food or also with natural water.

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