How To Make A Homemade And Natural Conditioner

Applying a homemade hair conditioner is a great alternative for those who want to have shiny, healthy and beautiful hair.

With a natural formula, you can have a great ally that will help you untangle your hair and, incidentally, provide it with some nutrients to restore damage caused by factors such as the weather, the use of irons, dryers, among others.

Would you like to learn how to prepare your own hair conditioner in a homemade and natural way?

1. Oil and honey conditioner

Honey, olive oil and brown sugar scrub

This conditioner is especially for those with dry, brittle hair with split ends. Its ingredients act as a natural moisturizer and its different components will help to restore the damage that the hair may be suffering.

You’ll need:

  • Half a glass of olive oil.
  • Half a glass of almond oil.
  • Half a glass of honey.
  • A casserole.

What should you do?

Place all the ingredients in the casserole and stir very well, heat them over low heat until they boil, then remove them and wait until it cools.

Application mode

Before using your conditioner, first wash your hair thoroughly as usual. Once you do, apply the conditioner from the scalp to the ends, try to apply the whole mixture very well, gently massaging all the hair, then wrap it in a bag and let it act for 15 to 20 minutes.

To finish, rinse all the hair using plenty of cold water; repeat the procedure 2 times a week.

2. Coconut conditioner

This conditioner is ideal for all types of hair, its components will help you revitalize and nourish your hair so that it looks shiny, soft, detangled and with a delicious smell.

You’ll need:

  • ½ cup of coconut oil.
  • ½ cup of grated natural coconut.
  • 1 vanilla bean.
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.

What should you do?

First you will have to mix the coconut, coconut milk and honey in a bowl. Once you have the mixture ready, you are going to take the vanilla bean and you are going to crush it very well before adding it to the mixture.

Application mode

Dampen your hair and apply your homemade conditioner, massaging it from the roots to the ends; Check that your conditioner completely covers the hair and let it work for 10 minutes. Once this time has passed, remove with warm water and repeat the procedure at least 1 time a week.

3. Avocado conditioner

Avocado toxins

Avocado is a great ally for hair beauty due to its components of vitamins A and E, which provide great benefits to show off shiny, strong, soft and manageable hair. In addition to physically nourishing the hair, its properties will also be of great help to combat problems such as hair loss and dryness.

With this avocado-based conditioner you can nourish and restore your hair that is dry and damaged by elements such as the iron, the dryer and / or the tweezers.

You’ll need:

  • A well ripe avocado.
  • One teaspoon of olive oil.
  • An egg yolk.
  • A container.
  • A fork.

What should you do?

Take the pulp out of the ripe avocado and mash it using a fork until you have a paste. Add a teaspoon of olive oil and an egg yolk to the pulp, stir the ingredients very well until you have a completely homogeneous mixture.

Application mode

For the application, you will have to wash your hair beforehand as you normally do . With damp hair, apply the conditioner from the roots to the ends, massaging gently until all hair is completely covered.

Use a bag or hat to cover your hair with the mixture and let it work for 15 minutes. When this time passes, remove the mixture with warm water and clean all excesses very well; repeat the procedure at least 2 times a month.

You will begin to notice the result just by combing your hair, you will see that it feels softer and it will not tangle as much with the comb or brush.

For those who constantly use dryers, irons or tweezers, it is recommended to be more constant than recommended with the avocado conditioner since it will help you keep your hair strong against the damage that these types of devices can cause.

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