How To Consume Pure And Delicious Cocoa

Pure cocoa is a food that can provide certain health benefits, when consumed in a moderate way, within a balanced diet. 

Generally, its antioxidant content stands out, but the truth is that it also contains other nutrients.

According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), chocolate is a food that has a high energy value. It contains phosphorus, magnesium, iron and potassium and, as expected, flavonoids with antioxidant activity (catechins).

Here are some ideas for you to make caprices based on pure cocoa at home and thus benefit from all their contributions, from time to time.

Chocolates with pure cocoa

Any chocolate lover likes chocolates, so if you manage to make ones that are beneficial for your health, you will no longer have to feel guilty when eating them.


  • 3 or 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder (30 or 40 g).
  • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil (60 g).
  • Toasted hazelnuts and raisins or cranberry (to taste).
  • Unflavored stevia sweetener (to taste).


  • Soak the raisins or cranberry for a few hours.
  • Mix the cocoa powder with the coconut oil and the sweetener (if the coconut oil is solid, we will melt it in a water bath). You will have to try the preparation to sweeten it to our liking.
  • When you get a thick, but liquid texture, it will be ready.
  • Fill an ice bucket with this mixture. In each space you will put a hazelnut or a raisin or blueberry.
  • Put it in the fridge until it cools and hardens.
  • It is advisable to keep them in the fridge until shortly before consuming them, since the coconut oil melts with the heat.

Fruit cubes with pure cocoa

Strawberries with pure cocoa

A variant of the previous recipe is to substitute the hazelnut or the fruit for a fresh strawberry. You can also put pieces of other fruits, but it is recommended that they are always showy and stand out from the color of the chocolate.

These fruit cubes are a very elegant and healthy dessert with which you will surprise your guests on any special occasion.

Chocolate milk

Preparing a glass of chocolate milk does not take long and allows you to enjoy a delicious drink at any time: first thing in the morning, before training or even at a snack.

You can mix cocoa with your milk or oatmeal drink (or any other plant drink), and enjoy it both hot and cold. 

Of course, it is convenient to avoid adding sugar and sweeteners. And if you want to do so, it is advisable to follow the instructions of the World Health Organization regarding this point.

The important thing is to maintain moderation regardless of what you choose (honey, stevia, etc.

Morning smoothie

Smoothies are one of the healthiest options to start the morning with energy. The following recipe is excellent to accompany breakfast or make a mid-morning snack. 

Chocolate milkshake


  • 1 very ripe banana.
  • A handful of nuts (to taste).
  • Cinnamon and ginger powder (to taste).
  • 1 glass of oatmeal drink (250 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder (10 g).


  • Cut the banana and add it, along with the oatmeal drink, cocoa powder, cinnamon and ginger to the blender glass.
  • Process for a few minutes until you get a smooth drink.
  • Add the nuts to the previous mixture and blend again, until they are integrated.
  • Drink in moderation.

Spreadable cream

You can also prepare a delicious spreadable cream with pure cocoa, without sugar and without milk.

cocoa cream


  • ½ cup of pure cocoa powder (100 g).
  • Roasted and ground hazelnuts (100 g).
  • 7 tablespoons of olive oil (100 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)


  • Mix the ingredients well until you get a cream with a homogeneous texture.
  • Keep this cream in the fridge.

Biscuits and biscuits

If you usually prepare cakes or cookies at home, we recommend that you have the cocoa on hand, since you can follow some of these suggestions:

  • Mix the cocoa with the dough, so that the whole dessert has a slight chocolate flavor.
  • Add the cocoa to half of the cake batter and put the two batters together, without mixing, in the mold. In this way, you will get a marbled sponge cake.
  • Mix the cocoa with coconut oil and a little honey or brown sugar. You will put this chocolate cream on top of the cake or cookies and let it cool. In this way you will get a good chocolate coverage.

There are many ways to enjoy pure cocoa!

There are several delicious ways to enjoy all the contributions that pure cocoa offers, a food rich in antioxidants and minerals such as magnesium, iron or calcium.

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