Pilates In Pregnancy, When Is It Dangerous?

Pilates is one of the most recommended sports among pregnant women. Find out why and if it is dangerous during any stage of pregnancy.

Exercising during pregnancy is beneficial for both mother and baby. In general, doctors recommend that pregnant women engage in low-impact physical activity, such as swimming, walking, or yoga. Another option that attracts expectant mothers is doing Pilates during pregnancy. Do you know when it is dangerous?

Pilates in pregnancy, yes or no?

During pregnancy, women tend to be more careful and investigate absolutely everything related to our diet and physical exercise. Therefore, in this article we want to answer your questions about Pilates. Continue reading!

What is Pilates?

Woman practicing pilates

Joseph Hubertus Pilates was the creator of the physical exercise that bears his name. Pilates is an exercise program designed to work the body and mind all at the same time. The goal is to promote concentration, control and breathing, among other things.

Pilates can be performed on the floor or with apparatus and works the body primarily to increase strength, improve flexibility and agility. On an emotional level, it helps increase self-esteem and connect with oneself.

Now, is it possible to practice Pilates in pregnancy? The answer varies depending on the physical condition of the pregnant woman. Remember that each person and each pregnancy is different, therefore it will be the doctor who determines whether or not you can perform Pilates.

How to practice pilates in pregnancy

Woman practicing pilates

Let’s suppose that you have gone to the doctor and he has evaluated your physical condition, reaching the conclusion that it is safe for you to practice Pilates. How many times a week should you do it? Could you carry out all the exercises?

Recommendations vary from specialist to specialist. Below we will present the observations in this regard published in the Journal of Yoga and Physioteraphy :

  • Pilates can be practiced from the first month until delivery, always under medical supervision.
  • The recommended regularity is between two and three times a week.
  • It is recommended that during the first trimester the exercises do not exceed 20 minutes in duration, extending up to 45-60 minutes when the gestation is more advanced.
  • When doing Pilates, it is important that you perform each exercise well. The number of repetitions is not decisive.

Pilates benefits for pregnant women

Pregnant woman practicing pilates

Pilates during pregnancy can be very beneficial, not only physically but also emotionally. Among the main benefits are:

  1. Reduction of fear of childbirth: Pilates breathing exercises can help a woman to better withstand contractions.
  2. Possible improvement in dilation due to flexibility work in Pilates.
  3. Strengthening the pelvic floor.
  4. Improved flexibility and coordination.
  5. Breathing practice and self-control that can help during labor.
  6. Prevention of varicose veins, hemorrhoids and back pain.
  7. Increased self-esteem.
  8. Body toning
  9. Relaxation after exercising.
  10. Combat insomnia problems in pregnancy.

When is Pilates not recommended in pregnancy?

Pregnant woman measuring her blood pressure

As we have said previously, it will be your doctor who will tell you whether or not you are fit to practice Pilates. In general, its practice is discouraged in those cases where:

  1. The pregnant woman suffers from high blood pressure.
  2. Premature rupture of membranes occurs.
  3. There is an intrauterine growth retardation.
  4. You have pre-eclampsia.
  5. The future mother suffers from any risky condition in pregnancy.

On the other hand, it is essential that you go to a center that offers pilates classes for pregnant women, since some exercises are contraindicated during pregnancy. Among them are: supine exercises (where the rectus abdominis contracts), those that are performed upside down and deep stretches.

Pilates in pregnancy can bring many benefits to you and your baby. However, you should check with your doctor before signing up for any Pilates class. Remember that you should not make any change of habit during pregnancy without consulting a specialist. Your health and that of your child come first!

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