Contributions Of Probiotics To Health

As always, remember to consult your doctor if you suffer from any discomfort. While probiotics may help alleviate some symptoms, professional consultation is always recommended.

We have all heard about the possible contributions of probiotics to health. In fact, it is very likely that you regularly consume foods that contain these bacteria. The most common is to take them in yogurt, dairy drinks or capsules.

We generally consume these products because we want to improve the functioning of the digestive system. However, probiotics are credited with many other properties. We tell you about it here, so if you want to know more, don’t forget to sign up for this information.

What are probiotics?

A little history

It was in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when probiotics began to have more force in the field of science. The Russian microbiologist and Nobel Prize winner (1908), Elie Metchnikoff, brought to the fore the importance of these microorganisms for human health. In fact, he is considered the father of immunology for his contributions in this field. His research was directed towards the beneficial use of lactic acid in yogurt for the human microbiome.


After various studies and discussions in this regard, FAO defines the concept of probiotic, stating that they are:

Currently, we can find them in foods such as yogurt, pickles or sauerkraut. They are elements of our kitchen that we usually have on hand and that, if we consume regularly, they could help us fight some ailments. It is also possible to find them concentrated in dietary supplements, thus causing a benefit.


It is believed that there would be a relationship between negative bacteria in the intestine and some allergies. For this reason, some experts often recommend consuming a probiotic drink on a daily basis to counteract the inflammatory response of the intestine.

In fact, a University of Florida study has indicated that taking probiotics would reduce the symptoms of hay fever. On the other hand, some research has suggested that those who increase the consumption of these bacteria would decrease the frequency of respiratory allergies. However, the results obtained are not conclusive.

Probiotics to reduce bad breath

Bad breath is a problem that affects millions of people around the world. It causes embarrassment and discomfort to those who suffer from it despite having good oral hygiene. 

According to the US National Library of Medicine, this problem has its origin in bacteria that we ingest through food and lodge in the mouth.

Some researchers have carried out small studies with subjects suffering from halitosis and have concluded that including the intake of probiotics, either as food or as supplements, in the daily diet, in addition to continuing to maintain good oral hygiene, could improve bad breath.

Constipation and diarrhea


Constipation is a seemingly simple problem. However, it affects the quality of life of those who suffer from it. The main cause is usually the decrease in the intestinal flora, which is responsible for facilitating the digestion process.

Marketing has led us to believe that this problem can be combated with excessive consumption of boxed cereals that claim to be high in fiber. However, these foods are usually made with refined grains and, therefore, their fiber intake may not be necessary. 

The fiber the body needs is found naturally in fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. According to an article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , those who incorporated probiotics into their diet increased their bowel movements per week.

On the other hand, among the contributions of probiotics we can mention the improvement of diarrhea caused by a viral infection or by taking antibiotics. These substances would restore the balance of bacteria in the digestive system, helping to end the discomfort.

Benefits beyond digestive health

We regularly hear about the contributions of probiotics to gut health. It is seldom or never discussed how these changes can affect the rest of the body.

As we have seen, these bacteria could play a very important role when solving small problems. From helping us strengthen the immune system to improving our digestion, probiotics would then be a must in our daily cooking.

Increase the consumption of probiotics

Despite the recent rise to prominence, probiotics have been shown to be beneficial for health when included in the context of a healthy, balanced diet. It is important to increase the intake of fermented foods to achieve good biodiversity at the intestinal level.

In this way, a better digestive function can be achieved, allowing the metabolism to perform its task optimally. In addition, the risk of constipation will be reduced.

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