Pills For The Pain Of Life (depression): Are There Other Alternatives?

Pills for depression: antidepressants. You may be surprised to learn that the consumption of these types of medications is increasing year after year. Moreover, according to several reports from the consultancy IMS Health, in Europe, there has been a rise of 20% since 2012.

What is happening? Life seems more complicated every day. People have more responsibilities and we have to combine the complex world of work with that personal environment, so it is not always easy to find balance and happiness. Now, the question is this: Are antidepressants the most effective mechanism for treating depression? Let’s talk about it today.

Pills For Depression: Are They Effective?

In recent years, numerous investigations have been carried out to delve into this question. Given the rise in the consumption of antidepressants, many medical entities have tried to conclude whether they are the only alternative to treat depression.

Crying woman with depression.

According to psychiatrist Joanna Moncrieff, “s The public has been led to believe that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance that antidepressants help rectify. However, there is no current evidence that any type of medication specifically targets an underlying biological abnormality, and it has not been proven whether there is an underlying brain state or specific states of depression experience. ”

It therefore seems that, at the very least, alternative treatments to antidepressants that may work should be considered as well. Psychotherapy is one of them.

Alternatives and complementary strategies to drugs

Antidepressants are helpful, no question about that. However, they are not the only way to overcome a depression. Of course, before opting for this treatment for depression, it would be key to consult a professional.

All suffering has a cause, and drugs are not the only means by which to solve this problem. They relieve us, there is no doubt, but in the case of depression, the main pillar to overcome it is the force of the will. Take note of some strategies you can use:

The pain is only yours, but it’s good to ask for help

Never limit yourself to taking only antidepressants without expanding your means of support a little more. When a person suffers from depression, he thinks that no one can understand him, that no one can know what one suffers, what he suffers. Accept the help of your loved ones, allow those loved ones who really appreciate you to come closer to you, also distancing those who only bring you suffering. Establish a “social economy”, that is, open the doors of your heart to those who bring you peace and balance and protect yourself from any toxic person who only offers suffering.

Psychologist providing support to a patient in therapy.

You have the right to fall, but it is mandatory to get up

Today you are bad, today you suffer and feel the darkness of depression in all its intensity. Now, don’t let this state become chronic. Don’t just take antidepressants to give yourself a false sense of calm because it’s not real. You must be brave and accept what happens, what you feel inside. Talk to yourself, talk to others, understand yourself, understand the origin of that pain and then come to terms with it. Once you understand it, you must convince yourself that a life with suffering is not really life, it is a theater of darkness. It’s time to get up and get excited again.

New illusions, new paths

A depression is overcome by walking, opening windows, looking in the mirror and pulling a smile from your face. The pain fades little by little if you have new projects and you get excited about your life again, with taking new paths that will surely bring you new happiness. We all go through tunnels of darkness in our lives, but after that tunnel, there are new paths that are worth walking.

Antidepressants are helpful, but they seem not the only way to overcome depression. Psychological help, social support and own willpower are essential. In any case, it is important that you consult with a professional before trying any treatment.

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