How To Treat An Infection Naturally

The guilt that we get sick is not the pathogen that invades our body, but our defenses that, being weak, facilitate its development and the proliferation of infections

There are many types of infections and for each of them we find different treatments and medications. But our body always reacts the same to an infection. Therefore, it is essential to know the keys to help you naturally fight it.

In this article we explain how you can treat any type of infection by following a few simple steps and thus achieving a much stronger immune system.

Why does an infection appear?

When we suffer an infection, we immediately blame the pathogen that has invaded our body and against which our defenses are rebelling. But the truth is that we are always surrounded by all kinds of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. And these affect each person differently.

Natural medicine teaches us that the cause is not so much in the pathogen that sneaks into our body. Rather, it is that our defenses were not strong and that has made it easier for this microorganism to develop without difficulties.

Before treating it, prevent it

For this reason, the first step in treating an infection is preventing it. And for this we must always strengthen our immune system, preventing that pathogenic microorganism from reproducing.

How do we do it?

  • Eating in a balanced way, avoiding sugars, processed, fried and additives.
  • Drinking water, juices and infusions outside of meals.
  • Avoiding bad habits, stress and negative emotions.
  • Limiting the consumption of medications.

Intestinal flora

The intestine is related to our defenses. A malfunctioning gut is a breeding ground for all sorts of pathogens.

Therefore, if necessary, we will resort to the following remedies:

  • In the case of diarrhea, we will take astringent foods and infusions: green tea, charcoal, skinless apple, grapes, etc.
  • If we suffer from constipation we will resort to laxative foods: flax seeds, prunes, oats, sea water, olive oil, etc. In case of not improving, we should also perform some enemas from time to time.
  • If we suffer from nervousness that affects the intestine, we will opt for relaxing infusions. For example, lemon balm or passionflower. There are also emotional therapies (Bach flowers, homeopathy) and relaxing exercises (yoga, tai chi, gymnastics, walking, etc.).
  • To regenerate the intestinal flora we can take probiotics, which we can buy in pharmacies and herbalists.

Oatmeal to treat an infection

Increase defenses

Before we have talked about the importance of having good defenses and in addition to avoiding everything that diminishes them. We can also upload them with the help of some foods and supplements. Let’s see:

  • Raw garlic
  • Onion.
  • Oregano : in infusion or essential oil, diluted in honey or olive oil. We must specify that it is essential oil for oral use and not a topical essence.
  • Echinacea : in infusion.
  • Thyme : infused.
  • Ginger : better if we take it fresh.
  • Lemon, with its peeling included.

We should include these foods in our diet on a daily basis.

Ginger to treat an infection

What about the fever?

We are very afraid of fever. However, we must know that if it does not increase too much and lasts for a short time, fever is actually a defense mechanism of the body. In this way, the temperature is raised to kill harmful microorganisms that do not resist this increase in heat.

Therefore, if the fever is moderate, we should not rush to cut it with a medicine or be alarmed, but control it naturally.

How do we get it? Facilitating our body to sweat, which we will achieve in the following way:

  • Taking infusions that give us heat, such as ginger or cinnamon.
  • Sheltering us well with blankets or woolen or polar fabrics.
  • If the person is hungry we can prepare soups and vegetable creams with a pinch of cayenne and raw garlic.

At all times we must control the temperature with the thermometer.

Other supplements

In addition, to treat any type of infection, we recommend these specific supplements:

  • Grape seed extract.
  • Garlic capsules.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Propolis
  • Echinacea extract.
  • We can also buy natural syrups that usually contain these ingredients and other similar ones.

This article only presents tips, ideas and suggestions.  In no case does it replace the monitoring of a health professional.

Images courtesy of respository, MGFLady Disdain and Chiot’s Run

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