Benefits Of Coffee In Your Breakfast

Are you one of those who can’t start the day without a cup of coffee? Then, we will tell you that it is something healthy as long as you know how to supplement it with the right foods. Coffee is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water. We explain the benefits of coffee for breakfast!

What can coffee do for me at breakfast?

Many people leave home with a simple coffee. This custom is something negative for our health. We go out in the morning without the necessary nutrients and we greatly decompensate our correct nutrition.

We have to think that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If we do not comply and if, for example, we arrive at lunch very hungry, it can make us gain weight in the long run.

The best, without a doubt, is to eat all meals and eat adjusted amounts without ever neglecting the importance of breakfast. We present you what are the benefits of coffee in the early hours of the day.

1. Benefits of coffee: It wakes us up, improves our attention and our memory

coffee benefits

There is nothing better to activate us in the morning. It is the ideal activator for the first hours, capable of clearing us up and giving us the perfect dose of caffeine. Coffee, in addition, has the ability to eliminate headaches in many people.

However, in other cases it can act as an activator. Thus, we have to be the ones who know when to take it so that it brings us its fair benefit.

Another benefit of coffee is that it is a good stimulant of the central nervous system, as this study published in Brain Research Reviews points out. As such, you will need to be careful about the dosages you take. Never go beyond two cups a day. When we say cups, they are not glasses, with the amount of coffee set.

2. A wonderful supply of antioxidants

Coffee is a drink very rich in antioxidants. It strengthens many of our cells and protects them from free radicals. It protects us from oxidative damage, so taking it in the morning is undoubtedly a medicinal act worth following.

As a curiosity, we will tell you that green coffee is the richest in antioxidants, and, what is better, it helps us burn fat. Remember, it’s green coffee.

3. Protect our bacterial flora

That’s how it is. A cup of coffee acts as a good prebiotic capable of taking care of our bacterial flora. This protective effect will regulate our functions in a very healthy way, protecting us against many diseases.

4. Coffee is digestive


You may not know it, but another of the benefits of coffee is that it stimulates our gastric juices, improving the breakdown of food, and that we can obtain better nutrients. Therefore, it is appropriate to take it at least one to two times a day, in this way we improve the work of our stomach, we take care of the intestine and our entire digestive system.

5. A protector of our liver

There are many studies carried out on the effects of coffee on our liver health. And the results are always illuminating. They take care of the cells of our liver, avoiding diseases such as cirrhosis or fatty liver. But yes, remember that we should never exceed ourselves, that the ideal is two to three cups a day.

6. Take care with what you combine the coffee with your breakfast

breakfast abbyladybug

To obtain good benefits from coffee we must be careful. The image of the so-called continental breakfast has often been sold as one of the healthiest and most popular. You know: a coffee, orange juice and some buttered toast. Experts tell us that it is not suitable.

Sometimes combining coffee with orange juice makes it too ‘acidic’ a breakfast. And even more, if the orange juice is one of those sold in supermarkets, it will not have vitamin C or antioxidants. The healthiest is freshly made, natural.

So, what is the best to combine with our coffee? Well, the most indicated, for example, is to start the day with a lemon juice with warm water.

An hour after taking this, we can have breakfast normally. Do not include toast and butter they contain fats and refined flours that would make your breakfast unhealthy. 

It is best to combine it, for example, with a little oatmeal. Some non-dairy milk, some nuts and a piece of fruit, such as a pear or an apple. Make sure the fruit is always fresh. Do not take jams either, excess sugar is not suitable either.

If, for example, you want to combine your coffee with a small sandwich, an ideal one would be, for example, that of whole oat bread. Remember: coffee is good for your breakfast, but we should not abuse it throughout the day.

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