4 Simple Exercises To Relieve Your Neck Pain

Having bad posture, stress or making a bad movement can cause neck pain. With these exercises you can feel almost immediate relief.

Neck pain is very common and uncomfortable. It is a discomfort that is located in the cervical area, that is, in the back of the neck.

The sensation is like having a stabbing pain that intensifies as time passes. All this makes us end up not resting properly.

Neck pain can present different degrees of intensity. In fact, in some cases, it can become a real nuisance until you cannot bear the pain.

In these cases, it is best to always go to the doctor. However, if the pain is moderate, here are some tips so that you can relieve it yourself at home. It will be as simple as following these exercises that we recommend. Take note of them!

Causes of neck pain


If you have neck pain and you are wondering why you have it, take note of these causes and find out which one corresponds to your reasons. So you can try to stop it as soon as possible.

  1. Poor posture. Bad postures can occur for many reasons, including simply having the computer misplaced. These pains are becoming more and more frequent due to the constant posture we adopt when we use the mobile phone or the computer.
  2. Certain  diseases . Some problems, such as fibromyalgia or torticollis, among others, can cause neck pain.
  3. A bad move. If we make a sudden movement or an exercise in the wrong way, we can also have neck pain.

Also, certain factors, such as stress, can favor the appearance of neck pain or even worsen the situation. This is because stress can increase muscle stiffness, increasing the chance of injury.

Exercises to relieve neck pain

1. Cervical rotation

woman with neck pain

Take advantage of each time you can to do this exercise. To do this, it is best if you sit in an upright position, so that your back remains straight and supported on the backrest.

With regard to the arms, the best option is for them to be relaxed on the sides and supported on your legs. Then, bring your chin to one of your shoulders and turn your head to one side and to the other. Do several repetitions, at least 5 times on each side.

2. Lateral flexion

Side push-ups will help support your back. To do this, you will have to help yourself with a chair or armchair, trying to bring your ear to your shoulder.

To do this movement you will have to place your hand on the head. You can do it smoothly, without forcing the movement. Repeat this exercise on each side and you’re done.

3. Backward and forward movements

woman doing neck exercise

The backward and forward movements will also help you relax. To do it correctly,  you will have to put your neck back, focusing your gaze towards the ceiling.

Then and gently, you will have to return to your starting position and bring your neck down trying to look at the ground.

To perform this exercise correctly you must relax your jaw by making slow exhalations while avoiding further hunching.

4. Try to relax your shoulders to the maximum

With your shoulders you will have to perform circular movements. Thus, you must rotate outwards or backwards and also move them forward. While you do it, do not hunch your back and repeat the series 10 times.

In this way, your shoulders will be released from the tension exerted and you will be able to relieve the load.

Other important recommendations

Thai massage

These exercises will help you to do the relevant stretches that will allow you to have your cervicals in good condition. However, there are also other options to release tension and relax the muscles. For example, a good alternative will be yoga.

You can also try to get massages. We can massage ourselves. If you have the option of going to a better physiotherapist, but if not, try to do them yourself by locating the tension zone and massaging slowly.

In addition, you can apply heat compresses on the affected area or give yourself with the hair dryer itself.

Finally, avoid loading your shoulders with more weight than you should be carrying. To do this,  try not to carry bags, wallets, heavy loads,  etc. In the event that you have to gain weight, use the strength of your legs and not your back.

Hopefully these tips have been useful to you and that you apply them when you feel neck pain. However, the best is always prevention. To do this, we must look for the origin of the pain (bad posture, etc.) and change our habits if possible.

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