6 Natural Ways To Prevent Kidney Disease

As well as staying well hydrated, it is essential that we eliminate excess fluids from our body to avoid the accumulation of toxins. We can help ourselves with infusions and diuretic foods

The kidneys are responsible for eliminating fluids and toxins to keep the blood purified and thus guarantee the proper functioning of all the body’s organisms. Therefore, preventing kidney disease is important not only for the necessary health of this organ, but for general health.

The kidneys filter about 180 liters of fluid a day. Every 50 minutes they clean all the blood in our body. Without a doubt, a demanding job that they can only do when they are totally healthy.

In this article we introduce you to 6 totally natural ways to prevent kidney disease.

Helps prevent kidney disease

1. Avoid these foods

There are foods that can affect one organ more than another. In the case of the kidneys, the most harmful and that we should eliminate or avoid as much as possible are the following:

  • Protein of animal origin : Instead, opt for that of vegetable origin, such as nuts or legumes, such as azuki beans, which, curiously, are kidney-shaped.
  • Dairy products : They are also protein of animal origin. You can substitute them for vegetable drinks.
  • Sugar: White sugar is a health poison. Instead we will opt for honey, panela, whole sugar, etc.
  • Refined salt: Cut down on salt and always choose sea salt or Himalayan salt. You can make a homemade herb salt by combining it with dried celery.
  • Chemical additives, present in processed and precooked food.

Also avoid over-medication and self-medication. Take only the medicines prescribed by the doctor and in the amounts prescribed by him.

2. Get alkaline

An acidified organism is a source of disease and the kidneys are one of the most affected organs. In pharmacies you can buy test strips to measure the pH of urine and thus check its degree of acidity or alkalinity.

The normal pH of the urine varies, throughout the day, between 6.8 and 7.4. To have a more alkaline Ph that helps you prevent kidney disease, you can follow these tips:

  • Increase your consumption of fresh vegetables.
  • On an empty stomach, every morning, drink a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon.
  • Drink good quality purified water.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Avoid polluted environments.

3. Beware of fear

There are people who have always eaten well and taken care of their kidney health, and yet end up suffering from some health problem. Why it happens? You can never ignore emotional issues, which also affect your physical health over the years.

In the case of the kidneys, what affects them the most is fear. To combat it you first have to become aware of it. You can then turn to therapists and natural remedies (homeopathy, Bach flowers) to help you put a stop to it.

4. Drink water and eliminate it

Lemon juice

It is just as important to drink water throughout the day, outside of meals and, especially, on an empty stomach, as eliminating it through exercise, contact with nature and, if you need it, with some medicinal infusions.

Some plants such as ginger or horsetail help eliminate fluids, especially for those who tend to have retention. Hot spices are also a good option that you can incorporate into our dishes.

5. Take advantage of the onion

Chicken soup

Onion is good for preventing kidney disease. Onion broths are an ancient remedy for many health problems and are recommended especially in cold and changing seasons.

Onion is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, chlorine, cobalt, copper, iron, phosphorus, iodine, silicon or sulfur, among many others, and it also contains vitamins A, B, C and E.

It is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and removes excess fluids from the body, among other properties.

Some people do not digest raw onion well, but they may digest it correctly if it is cooked, in the form of broths, creams, roasted, etc.

6. Apply local heat

Like the liver, the kidneys ask for heat to recover the energy expended during the day. That is why it is very pleasant and beneficial to apply a mat or hot water bottle every night on the kidney area (between the lumbar and the back) for at least half an hour.

This will also improve our night rest.

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