Soft Drinks And Their Effect On Health

Soft drinks have been scientifically proven to be detrimental to health in many ways, at any age and regardless of gender. Its regular consumption affects the cardiovascular system, thus increasing the risk of heart disease, can cause diabetes. And no, this is not an exaggeration.

In general, the consumption of soft drinks is related to maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle, which is a big problem.

In view of this situation, the World Health Organization has asked governments to raise taxes on these beverages in order to reduce their consumption.

The reality is that the consumption of carbonated beverages is still very high worldwide, especially due to the use of caffeine and other addictive substances in their preparation. However, it is the large advertising campaigns that promote their mass purchase and intake. For this reason, unfortunately there are many households in which it is not conceivable to eat without having one of these drinks on the table. 

Sugar and other substances in its composition

Soft drinks are harmful to health because they have several harmful substances in their composition. The most popular are caffeine and sugar, however, they are not the only ones. Flavorings, preservatives and colorings also have their impact on the body.

The vast majority of soft drinks contain large amounts of refined sugar. It can be sucrose or fructose extracted from transgenic corn; Either of the two is harmful from small amounts that any soft drink easily exceeds in a single can or glass.

Sugar and blood circulation.

These types of substances not only promote obesity and diabetes, but can also cause nutrient deficiencies in the body, the development of cancerous tumors, among other serious health problems.

Even if a person who consumes soda on a daily basis does not develop obesity or diabetes, they may experience a decrease in the defenses of their immune system. 

It should be noted that, when a regular consumption of soft drinks is carried out, the disorders that are already suffered can be aggravated, since excess sugar damages the health of all the body’s systems in a short time. Therefore, if we already have a health imbalance, eliminating carbonated drinks from life should be the first measure to take.

Sweeteners in soft drinks

If the drink contains sweeteners, we solve one problem to generate another. Almost all the sweeteners consumed on the market are chemically synthesized and their toxic effect has been proven in large quantities or after a long time of consumption.

Saccharin, cyclamate, and aspartame are just as bad for your health as refined sugars, and sometimes even more harmful.

Stevia could be the alternative when looking for a healthy sweetener, if it is bought whole to sweeten lemonades it is then very beneficial, it has many beneficial properties. However, in the end it will be best to maintain a balanced diet and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Fizzy drinks are harmful

But it does not matter whether the drink is alcoholic or not, whether it has sugar or not, if the drink is carbonated, it is harmful to health (because of gas, as it seriously affects the cardiovascular system).

In most cases, the rest of its components promote: the appearance of cavities, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, kidney disease, among others.

Without going into the psychic aspects of caffeine and other additives, we find it necessary to reflect as soon as possible about why we do not stop consuming these harmful substances when what the body really needs (and in large quantities) is water.

people drinking sweet soda

The big soft drink and beverage companies are not in favor of health, but of selling. For them, even if a product is harmful, it is more than profitable. For this reason, they do not stop carrying out large advertising campaigns and thousands of other tricks to continue selling en masse, regardless of the health problems that this may cause to people.

It’s important to start cutting back on these drinks right away, until we get to the point of not consuming them even occasionally. In this way, we will avoid damaging our health and taking years off our lives.

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