7 Habits That Accelerate The Aging Process Of The Skin

To prevent skin aging and the appearance of premature wrinkles, it is essential to follow a balanced diet, consume plenty of water and do without alcohol.

The aging of the skin is part of the biological processes that every person must face as the years go by.

This manifests itself through the appearance of wrinkles, spots and other signs that, in turn, indicate the decrease in the production of collagen and elastin.

Although there are many professional treatments and techniques that help delay it, it usually begins to occur after the age of 45 or 50.

However, sometimes it occurs prematurely, since sun exposure and bad habits can accelerate skin deterioration.

The problem is that many are ignorant of the factors that influence its appearance and, despite using external products, they notice the presence of signs of aging much before their time.

For this reason, it is essential to identify harmful habits and, of course, correct them before they cause skin imperfections. Still don’t know what they are? Discover them!

1. Poor sleep encourages aging

Having a poor quality of sleep is one of the habits that, sooner or later, takes its toll on the health of the skin.

This is so because the rest period is essential to carry out the cell regeneration process, which is essential to keep the skin young and healthy.

Sleeping less than 7 hours a day affects the skin’s oxygenation process and, in turn, causes problems such as:

  • Premature wrinkles
  • Bags and dark circles
  • Dull skin
  • Flaccidity

2. Smoking

It is no secret to anyone that the toxins contained in cigarettes have a negative impact on the body’s cellular activity.

These travel through the bloodstream and, in addition to causing disease, accelerate the aging of the skin and internal organs.

A cigarette contains hundreds of chemical components that deteriorate skin health, and increase the tendency to suffer from wrinkles from an early age.

In addition, as it also affects circulation, it interferes with the oxygenation and nutrition of the cells that keep the skin healthy.

3. Exposing yourself to the sun without protection

It’s true, sunbathing can help tan the skin and, incidentally, get an extra dose of vitamin D.

Despite this, they have long been discouraged, since the impact of the sun’s rays accelerates aging and the development of skin problems.

Exposing the skin to unprotected UV rays damages healthy cells and, in addition to causing wrinkles, increases the risk of developing skin cancer.

4. Eating badly

Eating an unhealthy diet, based on saturated fats, sugars and refined ones, is another of the bad practices to preserve youthful skin.

Although we overlook it, food plays a leading role in skin health, not only because it provides nutrients, but also because it protects and promotes skin repair.

Eating harmful foods increases the presence of toxins and fats in the blood, which causes blemishes such as wrinkles and acne.

5. Consume little water

Hydration is a very important pillar for skin health, since cells need water to regenerate and stay active.

Not consuming enough fluids interferes with the skin’s renewal process,  causing dryness, wrinkles, and loss of firmness.

In addition, water helps eliminate toxins that accumulate in the blood, which is why it is essential to prevent aging.

6. Ingest caffeine and alcoholic beverages

Excessive intake of caffeinated foods and beverages affects the moisture levels of the skin and, after causing dryness, leads to the appearance of premature signs of aging. Something similar happens with alcohol. Although they do not represent a danger when taken in moderate amounts.

7. Not having skin care

Facial Cleansing

It is more than obvious! Skin needs daily care to stay young, moisturized and looking healthy.

Ignoring aesthetic habits, from cleansing to moisturizing, increases the risk of premature deterioration and aging.

It is important to consider that, although internal care has a lot to do with it, the use of external products complements the process of nutrition and regeneration.

Do you usually ignore any of these habits? If you practice them continuously, ignoring their impact on the skin, try to correct them now so as not to suffer the consequences of premature aging.

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