3 Coaching Exercises That Will Help You Build Your Life

Thanks to the coaching exercises we can see which aspects of our life are failing in our goal of being happy and thus try to solve them.

The coaching helps you get the best of you to enrich your quality of life and achieve all your goals. Therefore, it is necessary that you know 3 coaching exercises  that will be very helpful.

These exercises will allow you to face various fears that are acting as barriers. They will also urge you to stop settling for living and doing wonderful things.

Do you want to discover how to solve any problem that plagues you? Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone to start building your life? Put these 3 coaching exercises into practice today .

Coaching Exercises 1: The Wheel of Life

coaching exercises: the wheel of life

This is one of the main coaching exercises with which you will learn to diagnose your own life.

Sometimes we find it very difficult to be aware of our difficulties, so this simple task can shed light on aspects of our lives that we have not been paying attention to. The exercise is carried out as follows:

  1. Write on a sheet of paper the aspects that you consider important in your life: relationships, work, money, health …
  2. Draw a wheel with all these aspects and a numbering – from 1 to 10, starting from the center – on each of them.
  3. Then reflect on each one and draw a dot on the corresponding number  according to your level of satisfaction.

For example, if my work is going great and I have no complaints, I will put a 10.

  1. Once you have all the areas done, it is time to join the dots.
  2. What form has it taken? A small or large circle? An asymmetrical shape?

Once you have completed this exercise, you must give priority to the areas that have received the lowest score.

coaching exercises

It is essential to establish the way in which you will proceed to raise the level of satisfaction of these aspects, what are you going to do, what result do you want to obtain …

It is not necessary to want a level 10, but if you have marked a 2, thinking about reaching a 5 will be an important step.

The objective is that, once everything required to be more satisfied in that aspect of your life has been carried out, you do the exercise again and the wheel becomes an increasingly wide circle. Repeat it as many times as necessary.

Coaching Exercises 2: The Time Machine

This is the second of the most important coaching exercises that requires great honesty on your part. Can you imagine that there was a time machine that would allow you to return to the past as many times as you wanted? Think about what you would change.

Maybe you would leave your job, your partner or you would bet on that project that you were so afraid in your day to face. This exercise will allow you to be aware of your fears and, also, of what you are attached to.

It is important that you be sincere and admit that you are afraid of being wrong, that there are fears that you carry and that you have never dared to face. You will realize many things that you had not noticed.

Who knows, maybe everything will take a new turn from now on. Because the past can no longer be changed, but the future is a blank piece of paper.

Discover: 6 things you must start doing to be happy

Coaching Exercises 3: Transforming Limiting Beliefs

coaching exercises

From a young age we are exposed to influences that introduce limiting beliefs into our minds. For example, believing that a mistake implies failure will cause you to give up many of your dreams.

Whenever a belief conditions your life, it must be transformed. But how do you get it? For that we have one of the last coaching exercises .

  1. Be aware of your limiting beliefs. For example, you may think that you do not deserve that a partner loves you too much or that, because you have not studied enough, you have to settle for jobs that do not fill you.
  2. Once recognized, what results do you get from each of them? Think about the objective they have and its consequences.
  3. Pick a new belief that has a positive intention. For example, believing that error implies failure can be changed to “error” = “learning”.
  4. Point “3” is the easy thing, the difficult thing is to put the new belief into practice. Practice a lot. Whenever the old one appears, replace it quickly.
    In the end, the new one will end up settling in your mind.

The changes are not obtained from the outside, but start with yourself. These exercises are simple, but they require a certain predisposition to do them well to get results.

Put them into practice from time to time and discover your progress. You will be amazed to be aware of how to change everything that is preventing you from being happy. Do we test your willpower?

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