10 Foods You Should Eat To Cure A Cold

Legumes are foods rich in antioxidants that help fight infections, such as colds, and strengthen the immune system. Being rich in iron, they would also provide us with energy

Winter is synonymous with flu, colds and colds. This is why curing a cold at this time of year is sometimes so difficult. However, low temperatures do not always mean having to get sick or spend entire days in bed.

If you are experiencing the first symptoms of these typical winter setbacks, we recommend that you read the following article to find out what are the 10 foods you should eat to cure a cold.

What to eat when you catch a cold?

When you get sick, you don’t really want to eat food, other than tea or soup. To avoid the flu or heal faster, diet is essential.

For this reason, we recommend these foods full of vitamins and nutrients, so that you can deal with the viruses that are around in low temperatures.

The 10 fundamental foods to cure a cold


1. Pumpkin

So that the defenses are very strong and do not allow any harmful microorganisms to enter the body, you should eat more pumpkin. It has a good amount of beta-carotene that, when absorbed by the body, becomes vitamin A.

It is worth noting that vitamin A prevents diseases of the respiratory system, by increasing the body’s defenses, according to data from the National Institutes of Health . You can consume it in soups, creams, cakes or whatever you want.

2. Grenades

It is a delicious typical fruit in Spanish gastronomy that can be found in winter. Although it costs a little to peel it, do not deprive yourself of its flavor or its benefits.

It has a good amount of vitamin C and folic acid, in addition to containing punicalagins, substances that a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry indicated that they have greater antioxidant activity than green tea.

For this reason, it is believed that it would help reduce fever, sore throat and ear infections. In addition to being eaten for dessert, some people add it to salads.

3. Onion

Onion benefits

Onion contains cysteine ​​and quercetin, two nutrients that would ease congestion and calm a cough. However, no scientific studies have been found in this regard.

To enjoy its properties, you should consume onion periodically, as it would clean and help expectoration. Many people choose to leave a halved onion on the bedside table when they are sick to breathe in its scents.

4. Garlic

It is one of the most widespread home remedies. It is an antibacterial that would have mucolytic, expectorant and antitussive properties. In conclusion, it would be advisable to consume raw garlic with meals and, if you dare, a clove every morning on an empty stomach.

Being rich in allicin, it would be a good antiseptic that would fight infections and flu. Also, it would help reduce nasal congestion. This remedy would increase its properties if it were combined with lemon, onion or honey.

5. Ginger


This spicy, lemon-flavored root has many properties that go beyond the cold or flu, as explained in the chapter The Amazing and Mighty Ginger from the book Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects . It is also used to relieve nausea and stomach pain.

On the other hand, ginger has antibacterial, antipyretic and analgesic properties, it would increase the body temperature (perfect for eliminating toxins) and it would improve the immune system.

In any case, you should prepare an infusion with a cup of boiling water, a tea bag and a tablespoon of grated ginger. If you wish, you can add a tablespoon of honey or a few drops of lemon.

6. Kiwi

Did you know that kiwi has twice the vitamin C of orange ? This small fruit would favor the absorption of iron and would cover the daily needs of this vitamin, both for children and adults. In addition, it would stimulate the immune system and prevent infections, due to its antioxidant properties.

7. Legumes to cure a cold


Lentils, chickpeas and beans (to give just three examples) are foods that provide antioxidants, molecules that fight against oxidative stress and, therefore, prevent different diseases.

In addition, they would strengthen the immune system and reduce the duration of colds. In turn, they would increase the iron in the body and allow you to feel more energetic even with the flu.

8. Banana

When children have the flu, they often have vomiting, diarrhea, or nausea. In that case, it is recommended that they eat a mashed or sliced ​​banana.

Being easy to digest, this fruit is very good to encourage the sick who are in bed and for those with a sore throat who cannot consume solid food.

9. Eggs


The egg is a food that provides minerals, especially zinc and selenium, which would help the immune system to remain healthy and strong. Without a doubt, a perfect food to cure a cold in a short time.

It is necessary to remember that the deficiency of these nutrients is related to a greater number of episodes of flu during the winter. Doctors advise eating 2 or 3 eggs a week, but not fried.

10. Nuts

Nuts are also often highly recommended to cure a cold. It is true that they have an important caloric intake, but only when they are eaten too much or included in a diet full of fat.

Nuts would be great for winter because they help maintain proper body temperature by providing energy. About 60 grams per day of walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios and pumpkin seeds could help you avoid getting sick.

Better to prevent or cure a cold?

The answer is obvious: it is always better to be safe than sorry. For this reason, it is recommended to follow a balanced diet, with adequate doses of vitamins and minerals that help to maintain a functional and healthy immune system.

On the other hand, if you have a very bad cold, stay home to prevent it from developing into a more serious illness such as bronchitis or pneumonia. If the cold persists with very strong symptoms for more than four days, consult your doctor.

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